These forums are locked and archived, but all topics have been migrated to the new forum. You can search for this topic on the new forum: Search for MySQL not loaded on the new forum.
Hopefully a very straightforward problem...
I need to migrate some Wordpress blogs to my Virtualmin server. Oddly, mySQL isn't loaded by PHP by default. I've tried installing the php5-mysql package to no avail.
What do I need to do to load mySQL and hence allow me to host PHP/MySQL sites?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You'd need either the php5-mysql or the php-mysql package (which one depends on your distro).
One you install that, you should be in good shape!
If not, let us know what specific problems you're having (is it trouble with the installation, or did it install, but it's not working as expected?).
Eric, Thanks, it seems to be fine now. Maybe I was seeing a cached page or something...
Solved :)