can I set up a status monitor for vsftpd?

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#1 Sun, 11/21/2010 - 16:58

can I set up a status monitor for vsftpd?

I have recently set up a new VM GPL install and want to use vsftp rather than ProFTP. So I yum installed vsftp and have set it successfully to come up at boot time, disabled the running of ProFTP and when I connect to a ftp session vsftpd takes the connection. So fine.

When I log in as root to look at system status the system status part of the right hand pane shows correctly that proftpd is down but does not display the status of vsftpd. I looked in webmin's system and server status for a monitor, thinking that if I enabled one it might show up on the summary display. But there is no option on the pulldown list for vsftpd. How can I enable this? and will that make its status display on the system summary?


Sun, 02/20/2011 - 19:55


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