I implemented the SARE/OpenProtect rules on a previous hosting server, so I decided to try them out on our new Virtualmin server.
I post this here for two reasons:
1) I would appreciate any critiques or improvements. Is this a good idea? What's the down side?
2) It might help others fight spam.
First off, on my Centos 5.5 Virtualmin server, I found that the sa-updates cron job was commented out by default. Is there a reason for that? I uncommented it so it will automatically update the Spamassassin rules.
wget http://saupdates.openprotect.com/pub.gpg
sa-update --import pub.gpg
sa-update --allowplugins --gpgkey D1C035168C1EBC08464946DA258CDB3ABDE9DC10 --channel saupdates.openprotect.com
vi /etc/cron.d/sa-update
Add one very long line:
23 4 */2 * * root /usr/bin/sa-update --allowplugins --gpgkey D1C035168C1EBC08464946DA258CDB3ABDE9DC10 --channel saupdates.openprotect.com 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/sa-update.log
cat /var/log/sa-update.log
ll /var/lib/spamassassin/3.002005/saupdates_openprotect_com
sa-update -D --allowplugins --gpgkey D1C035168C1EBC08464946DA258CDB3ABDE9DC10 --channel saupdates.openprotect.com
service spamassassin restart
Thanks for the info!
Are you finding that it helps reduce your spam?
Also, if you haven't already, I might suggest looking into Greylisting... I've seen it make a rather large difference in the amount of spam that makes it through.
Hi Eric,
I don't know how to quantitatively say that the TARE rules reduce spam, but my gut tells me they do.
With my spam classification threshold set to 4.0, I have been getting 1-3 junk messages get through per day. It seems like I haven't had any get through the filter since adding the new rules. Not very scientific, I know.
Yes, greylisting was the first 'extra' feature I enabled. Past experience has shown me that greylisting alone cuts spam in half...or thereabouts...with very little down-side and with very low resource utilization.