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Hi everyone
I have installed virtualmin and everything seams to work perfectly. except 1 thing.
I'm running Ubuntu Desktop Version and if i'm trying to access virtualmin from that pc. it can't display webpage. but if i take up my laptop there are no problems to acces virtualmin. and all the other domains i have added are working just fine when i access from ubuntu. just not when i access virtualmin from the actually server.
I hope any of this give any meaning :) my english are terible.
Let's see... Which URLs exactly are you using to connect to VMin, both from the remote PC and the server itself? What exactly is the error message when you try it locally? What happens when you type
telnet 10000
? Does it say "connected" or "connection refused"?Also, did I get that right? You're running the desktop version of Ubuntu on your Virtualmin server? May I ask why?
I Use the Desktop Version because i wanted to be able to use a Gnome desktop on the server.
I connect from this address from the server and get something with can't find hostname. i have no problem when i use the ip adress.
From my laptop i can use. or and local ip address.
when i telnet from the server to it say can't find hostname
if i telnet from laptop it say connected.
Which nameserver is authoritative for ""? Is it the VMin server? If so, is the VMin server configured to use itself as nameserver? What is the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) of the server (use
hostname -f
to find out)?Hint: If you wish to, you can also install X and Gnome on Ubuntu Server. What method did you use to install VMin? It is recommended to use the auto-install script on a freshly installed Ubuntu (no server software like BIND or Apache present yet).
May I also ask what exactly you need the GUI for on a server system? It's a little unusual, especially using a desktop distro for that. :) You should also consider that running an X on a server that is open to the Internet is a potential security risk.
Useful commands to investigate the problems:
Also, System Settings / Re-Check Configuration can help discover problems.
Yeah i know its a little strange to run Ubuntu Desktop as a server. I basicly use the GUI so i can search the web for help under the way.
hostname =
hostname -f =
My config files looks like this.
vi /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
vi /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost webserver
The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
Hmm.. Unfortunately you did not answer most of my questions of my two previous posts. :) Can you please check those again and answer them?
According to
, the
resolves to 92.246..24.153, and the responsible name servers
. It would seem you're operating your server behind a NAT router.We need the contents of your /etc/resolv.conf, and please perform the dig commands I posted.