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I already tried to get help, but it wasn't of much use.
My problem is that I need to install an SSL certificates on one of my sites, but I don't see the "Manage SSL Certificate" on my Virtualmin interface.
I even deleted my account plan and then created a new one and recreated a website making sure SSL was selected as a feature all along.
But still I don't see the Manage SSL Certificate option under Server Configuration.
I only have one website on the dropdown, so I know I'm working on the right website.
Also, I only have one IP associated with my ded and this virtual server runs on a virtual interface eth0 associated with the IP.
So why can I not see the Manage SSL Certificate option?
Please help me out!
Thanks much
I have been digging into the code of VirtualMin and see that SSL will be enabled if and only if there's a private IP.
But I also saw that it can enabled if there's SSL for only one site even when there's a shared IP.
So I satisfy the conditions for the SSL being enabled.
But I still don't see the Manage SSL Certificate option
I saw a file called "config" in the folder "virtual-server"
In that I saw a line ssl=0 Does that have anything to do with this?
If I change that to ssl=1, will it work?
I'm afraid to do this change because I already wiped out /var once by deleting one of the virtual servers by mistake when it was pointing to the wrong path and I had to reinstall the OS :)
Please let me know.
Another improvement is that, I found another option called "Configure Website" under the "Services" option.
There I saw a link to the "SSL Options" and there's a link to Enable SSL.
But it says default and when I want to enable SSL, it says a certificate file is needed.
How can I give a certificate without generating the CSR?
Please help!