email format for spam WHITELIST

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#1 Mon, 09/13/2010 - 16:35
Gary's picture

email format for spam WHITELIST

Hi Folks,

wondering about the "whitelist" process for Usermin's spam protection for mailboxes.

I'm going to ADDRESS BOOK > ALLOWED ADDRESSES, and wondering exactly what format must be followed.

Assuming correct is one email address per line in standard email format:

But, copying addresses directly from the inbox yields this:

 "John Doe" <>

Other email clients yield other odd combo's of brackets, etc

"john Doe" [] ... etc

or possibly just putting in recipients' names:

John Doe 


thanks for any clarification on allowed formats in the whitelist / "allowed address" list.


Mon, 09/13/2010 - 17:29


Well, first off, I'll be honest and say "I'm not sure" :-)

That said, I think I'd be inclined to say that I'd use just the email address itself, as that's the only piece of information guaranteed to always be in the incoming email.

So, in your example, I would use this:

And I'm pretty sure that'll do the trick!


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