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Why are all servers are pointing to the default page in /var/www/html instead of their own public html file. This is a fairly fresh install and I am returning from a while ago but I don't remember having these problems before.
Hrm, it shouldn't do that :-)
What distro/version are you using, and did you install Virtualmin using the script?
CentOS 5.4 (64 bit) on XenServer 5.6 and yes I did install with the script.
I reinstalled virtualmin on another VM and the problem has gone away. Thanks Darren :)
The troubleshooting guide in the Web section of the documentation covers this situation in some detail (it happens because of mismatches in the VirtualHost/NameVirtualHost sections in the Apache configuration; and can occur on a freshly installed Virtualmin instance if you already had some configuration changes in httpd.conf).
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