VPS provider suporting Virtualmin

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#1 Sat, 05/01/2010 - 12:46

VPS provider suporting Virtualmin

I offer Virtual Private Servers. My VPS supports Centos/RHEL as well as Ubuntu both of which are prime candidates for virtualmin. My machine is NEVER over provisioned. My costs are low and I pass that along. Please check http://www.emmanuelcomputerconsulting.com/rates for full details. If you have any questions let me know.

Virtual Private Servers

base plan for Linux vps: Centos 5, Ubuntu, Fedora 500 mhz(one processor) (bursting built in due to reserved extra cpu space for all hosts) 512 megs of ram 1 ip address 5 gigs hdd 1 megabit unmetered(no bursting no transfer limit)



$50 setup fee

Tue, 03/15/2011 - 12:46

I guess my product wasn't the right one..i've closed this service down.

Wed, 03/16/2011 - 06:12

"Not the right one" probably as in "way too expensive". E.g. here in Germany, hosters offer VPSes for about one third of your monthly price tag, and often without setup fee.

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