Edit Mail and FTP Users - ERROR

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#1 Wed, 04/14/2010 - 03:32

Edit Mail and FTP Users - ERROR

Hi all,

Could you please provide some insight about the problem I am having.

My client has a server running virtualmin 3.68 which was intalled by another company, but they are no longer supporting it. He asked us to fix the problem with it. When we click on the link "Edit mail and ftp users" we get a message which displays text "Error" and nothing else. I do not have much experience with webmin, could you please tell me where I should start looking for problems?

Thank you in advance

Wed, 04/14/2010 - 04:05

After upgrading webmin and virtualmin to the newest versions i get the following message when trying to edit mail or ftp users:

SQL query failed : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' from where 1 = 1' at line 1

Wed, 04/14/2010 - 08:46


So, typically, Virtualmin would use mail and ftp users in the /etc/passwd file when adding/modifying/deleting them.

Can you confirm that the setup you're seeing there is using MySQL in order to store the user accounts?

If that's not the case, one option would be to remove the configuration from Virtualmin that's telling it to look in MySQL.

If that is the case, the next step would be to review the config used to enable it's MySQL support.

Do you know if "Edit Mail and FTP Users" had ever worked, or did it just recently stop?


Wed, 04/14/2010 - 12:49

Thank you for a quick reply!

Your insight really did help a lot. The server indeed was using mysql for account storage and after looking at configuration files i found the problem. Three statements were missing in /etc/postfix/mysql-virtual-alias-maps.cf:

table = view_all_aliases select_field = email_to where_field = email_from

Adding those fixed the problem, however when I try to add mail auto reply to some specific e-mail account I get an error: Failed to save mailbox : SQL delete failed : The target table view_all_aliases of the DELETE is not updatable

However it enables auto reply for that specific email account and I indeed get automatic responses when I mail something to it.

Still - error seems eluding. Any thoughts appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Wed, 06/19/2013 - 18:26 (Reply to #4)

Hi guys,

I'm having, apparently, the exact same issue as ramoonas.

For what I can see, your setup is consistent with the ISPmail tutorial from workaround ( http://workaround.org/ispmail/squeeze/ ) given that you have a file /etc/postfix/mysql-virtual-alias-maps.cf

I have a similar setup, but when I add to the file what seems to have solved the issue for you, I get:

SQL query failed : Table 'mailserver.view_all_aliases' doesn't exist

Did you add a table for it to work?

Is there any way to disable e-mail to user correlation in virtualmin so that I can modify or even view users with a different e-mail scheme?

Thank a lot.

Mon, 06/24/2013 - 12:23 (Reply to #5)


For those of you that have followed the great ISPMail tutorial by Christoph Haas from workaround.org, and want to use virtualmin only for web site management, while maintaining the postfix/dovecot e-mail server's scheme, just add to /etc/postfix/mysql-virtual-alias-maps.cf the following:

table = virtual_aliases
select_field = source
where_field =  destination

The "edit users" function in Virtualmin starts working again.

Thanks to ramoonas for pointing in the right direction.

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