Virtualmin vs Webmin Backup

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#1 Sun, 04/11/2010 - 18:56

Virtualmin vs Webmin Backup


I have some maintenance question for be sure on some things.

How we know on Virtualmin we have Backup tool for virtual servers. We have also tool backup for Webmin (specially for configuration files). So my question is do this 2 tools are correctly cooperate with one other? I look on backup from Webmin and I see there also settings of Apache including settings for virtual servers (but of-course without files of virtual server). Do this two tools is not in conflict one with other ? Do someone was try full restore in practice can say if has some problems ? If I use virtualmin, whether option "Server configuration files" in backup tools is needed or can be skip ?

I do not have any problem for use it I just ask how it work for be sure.

Any answers appreciated. Sorry for my English is not perfect yet.


Mon, 04/12/2010 - 09:10

I wouldn't say they conflict, so much as they can each backup some of the same data :-)

If you use the Webmin tools to backup /etc/, all the BIND and Apache data the Virtualmin backups store will be duplicated.

That's no big deal, I like having multiple backups of the same thing :-)

My opinion is that it's better to have more data backed up than you need.

Can you use the Webmin backup to do a full restore? Maybe :-)

However, I personally think it'd be simpler to reinstall the OS, install Virtualmin, and restore the Virtualmin "Server configuration files", followed by the individual Virtual Servers.

I hope that helps!


Mon, 04/12/2010 - 16:51 (Reply to #2)

Thank you Eric for answer.

You have right that have many backup's is good thing. However I work on many servers and from some time I move from Plesk to Webmin/Virtualmin. My work time is very limited by only 24h day so for me is start be important how much I spend time on some things. For me better will be restore configuration server how configure him again after crash, specially that I work on rack servers where hardware is almost that same. Of course I have ready always some mirror server synchronized with first but for me also optimization work are very important. So I ask that this two things work together correctly. Do after crash that simple line shall be work:

  1. Install system with Virtualmin
  2. Restore configurations
  3. Make some local customization depend from new environment
  4. Restore virtual Servers
  5. Get Up!

I'm curious that this is working well or not. Just like be prepare on future problems.

Regards Martin

Sat, 04/17/2010 - 20:59

In conjunction with the Virtualmin backups I also use webmin's "Backup Configuration Files" section and make a backup of the configuration of every webmin module I use, such as the Firewall module, that way in the event of a catastrophic failure, and the need to restore everything, my entire server is literally back to exactly like it was.

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