Hi Guys,
I'm not living on Love Street right now. (Doors references in case you can't tell.)
I have this weird thing happening to one of my domains on my virtualmin server. Randomly, accross the world, users cannot even ping my domain jamq.org . And usage for other people is good as always. For other people one day they can see my server, on other days it is like the domain does not exist (given the error messages).
I went into VirtualMin/Logs and Reports/Check Connectivity
and it told me this:
Problem type Error message Possible solution
DNS resolution failed Failed to lookup jamq.org and www.jamq.org Check your system's firewall to ensure that DNS requests and responses on UDP port 53 are not being blocked.
Nameserver lookup failed Could not find any nameservers for jamq.org Check that your DNS domain has been registered.
It told me the same thing though about all my domains on that server, for example, here is a domain that everyone can access just fine:
Testing external connectivity .. .. the following problems were found :
Problem type Error message Possible solution
DNS resolution failed Failed to lookup harmonicajam.com and www.harmonicajam.com Check your system's firewall to ensure that DNS requests and responses on UDP port 53 are not being blocked.
Nameserver lookup failed Could not find any nameservers for harmonicajam.com Check that your DNS domain has been registered.
My domains are with Godaddy and everything looks fine there to me. Nothing has changed in a long time. This started happening about a week ago.
In fact, the last I checked, I cannot access jamq.org at home, but when I VPN in to work, I can access it from there.
Would anyone have any ideas or avenues I could research?
I have virtualmin pro.
In addition to that, I've also found intodns.com to be a good site for testing DNS issues... going there, and putting in one of your domain names, you can see a report on some tests it runs:
It looks like your nameservers don't have any 'A' records. You'll want to add an 'A' record for each of your nameservers (which you can do in Services -> DNS Domain in the jamqueue.com Virtual Server).
So, I'd make sure BIND is running, and if it is, I'd make sure that you have appropriate A records for both ns1.jamqueue.com and ns2.jamqueue.com.
Hi Audrechek,
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
I'm also reading the thread where you, and joe and ronald gave detailed help to recci back in 2009.
Wow! What a thread that recci thread was, I think my head exploded somewhere in there.
Still reading and poking around though.
I'm still reading
Audrecheck wrote:
Looking at
It looks like you are recommending I goto "Edit Records File" and add
which for me would be
ns1 IN A ns1 IN A
The only thing odd about that is that I was thinking the 2nd "ns1" should be "ns2"?
I already have the
jamqueue.com. IN NS ns1.jamqueue.com. jamqueue.com. IN NS ns2.jamqueue.com.
Looking at the forums, I see problems like this by newbies like me are real common.
I went ahead and added
ns1 IN A ns2 IN A
and stopped and started BIND.
at http://www.intodns.com/jamq.org
I now get this errors:
Error Recursive Queries I could use the nameservers listed below to performe recursive queries. It may be that I am wrong but the chances of that are low. You should not have nameservers that allow recursive queries as this will allow almost anyone to use your nameservers and can cause problems. Problem record(s) are:
Missing nameservers reported by parent FAIL: The following nameservers are listed at your nameservers as nameservers for your domain, but are not listed at the parent nameservers (see RFC2181 5.4.1). You need to make sure that these nameservers are working.If they are not working ok, you may have problems! jamqueue.com Error Missing nameservers reported by your nameservers ERROR: One or more of the nameservers listed at the parent servers are not listed as NS records at your nameservers. The problem NS records are: ns1.jamqueue.com ns2.jamqueue.com This is listed as an ERROR because there are some cases where nasty problems can occur (if the TTLs vary from the NS records at the root servers and the NS records point to your own domain, for example).
Adding these two lines
ns1 IN A
ns2 IN A
did fix the major problem, which was the total failure of clients finding the domain.
It is odd that my site has been up for 2 years, and suddenly the missing 'A' records became an issue. Maybe something changed on the internet itself, something that was helping cover for my missing 'A' records.
If anyone has any insight on the other errors which I listed in the email above, it would be appreciated.
your nameserver is called jamqueue.com instead of ns1.jamqueue.com. Also your hostname is not FQDN.
it reads jamq.org instead of something like server01.jamq.org
the recursive bit isn't that hard to fix but you should get the other stuff fixed first..
I will post and see if any one can give me a good quote for fixing this. I have a geneirc Centos OS