I recently joined the virtualmin community and I already need some help from you guys.
I installed a fresh centos 5.4 and then the virtualmin install script and everything went well. WOW
I created my virtual servers thanks to the virtualmin panel for my domain.com.
Currently, I'm not using BIND server as i'm using the servername of my registar which is enough for my 4 website which i want to settle on this server for the moment.
I created a subdomain at my "registar sever name" called webmail.mydomain.com
I would like now, to set the subdomain, on my apache server/virtualmin panel. How to do it easily thanks to the virtualmin panel or apache webmin panel ?
I found a option the advanced panel, System Settings -> Module Config -> Advanced Options -> Allow creation of sub-domains.
Is it the good way to do sub domain creation and management ?
I checked my httpd.conf and i saw that there is a rewrite url rules which say:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} =webmail.mydomain.com RewriteRule ^(.*) https://mydomain.com:20000/ [R]
Do I need to remove this rules ?
Do I need to remove also the "webmail.mydomain.com" subsitute name on the network & address panel ?
Thanks in advance for your help again.
Well, the recommended manner of creating sub-domains is simply to create a new Virtual Server, and enter whatever domain or sub-domain name for the Virtual Server name.
You don't need to enable that feature you found, that does some special things that aren't typically necessarily -- and ultimately things that were more confusing than they were useful.
You don't need to disable the webmail rewrite conditions -- they don't hurt anything by being there. Though, if you want to disable it, you can do so in System Settings -> Apache Website, and you can tweak the settings for both the webmail and admin URL redirects.
Does that answer your question?
Thank you man. I will look into your way.