Webmin Very Slow

I have 2 servers and both were updated today.. Now I Virtualmin runs well but the webmail at :20000 is so slow customers are calling me about it. I check and BOTH system are acting the same way..

I will the remove support login turn on for https://cybertechhosting.com:10000/

Thanks Don

Closed (fixed)


Remote not remove. oops,,. Thanks

Ok, I will login and take a look ..

I am not seeing any processes using up a lot of CPU or memory. Which login to Usermin is seeing slowness?

I tried to SSH into ns.coastlandtech.com to check this out, but the SSH port (22) is blocked or down ..

I am sorry, but the server does have ssh limited to a few IP, I did not know you needed that access.

I have been gone a hew hours and the systems seems to be acting fine.. I do not know what was the issue, and now it has cleared up.. The strange part is both system were having the same issue of only the webmin running slow... mail,site, virutalmin all good..

With nothing showing broken you can't fix it.. But if it happens again, I will let you know.,. Thanks Don Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.

Ok, cool .. in case it happens again, my IP is