The best way to install a software?

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#1 Mon, 10/05/2009 - 00:40

The best way to install a software?


I want to put the google sitemaps on my server.

I have downloaded the following file to my home pc.


I was thinking that I would just ftp it to my server, but maybe I could have downloaded it directly.

Anyway, it is now on my hardrive on my home PC I have also just ftp'ed it to one of my website's public_html directory

Now the instructions on the Google website say:

Using the root account, extract the install package:

tar –zxvf filename

In this format, filename is the name of the version-specific installation package you downloaded.

Run the install script, using the following command format:

sitemap-install/ [option]...

In this format, option is one of the following:

* -h displays help about these command line options.
* -d directory specifies a non-default installation directory.
* -a Apache-binary-filename specifies the path to the Apache binary file (httpd). Alternatively, you can specify this value during installation.
* -c Apache-config-filename specifies the Apache root configuration file.
* -g Apache-group specifies the user group name under which Apache is running.
* -t Apache-control-filename specifies the Apache control script (apache ctl). If you specify this value, the installer lets you choose to automatically restart Apache at the end of the installation. If you omit this option, you'll need to restart Apache manually.

All of these parameters are optional. Use a space to separate multiple options.

Example: sitemap-install/ -t /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -g www-data

The script responds in one of the following ways:

I am not sure of the best way to proceed.

I notice that under Webmin->System->software packages, there is a screen that says "Install a New Package" Should I use this to do it ?

If so, where it says "From uploaded file" I guess I can browse and select this file: sitemap_linux-x86_64-beta1-20090225.tar.gz ?

I don't suppose this software is already on my server is it? Would it be something that you guys would have installed with the OS ?

Please let me know if this is the method to do the install - I don't want to mess things up !


Mon, 10/05/2009 - 08:53

I don't suppose this software is already on my server is it? Would it be something that you guys would have installed with the OS

Sorry, the Google sitemap tools don't come with any Linux install I've ever seen ;-)

I notice that under Webmin->System->software packages, there is a screen that says "Install a New Package" Should I use this to do it ?

No, this isn't a typical package. That only works for things like .deb and .rpm packages available in a software repository.

Please let me know if this is the method to do the install

The instructions they've giving you are commands you'd be running on your Linux server from the command line, as the root user.

In order to do that, you'd log into your server over SSH to perform those tasks.

I might suggest moving those files to some location outside of your public_html directory, then following the directions provided on the Google website in order to run the installer they provided.


Sat, 10/24/2009 - 16:11

OK, So I am going to move the file called sitemap_linux-x86_64-beta1-20090225.tar.gz to some other directory.

(Apologies if this question seems a bit crass.)

I am looking at the directory structure now, where do you suggest I should put this in order to run the installation ? internet marketing tools For example from the rrot, I have backup, bin, boot, dev, etc, home, lib. lost+found, Maildir, misc, mnt, net , opt root, sbin,selinux, srv, sys, tmp, usr and var.

Obviously, I guess that ı can rule out the following: sys, home (?) tmp, boot, backup,

Even though, I can probably run the install anyway, I guess that there must be a location that would be most logical ?

What do you suggest ?

Tue, 10/06/2009 - 08:17

I'd go back to your home directory, and make a new sub-directory in there to put it in.

Something like: /home/YOUR_USERNAME/SUB_DIR


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