upgrade webmin 1.470 to 1.480 - Missing Location header

We just recognise now, there is a newer version of webmin released, because the system do not notify us. So we try upgrade the webmin manually:

Webmin -> Webmin configuration -> Webmin upgrade "Latest version from www.webmin.com"

We can't upgrade our Webmin and recive the following error message: Downloading http://www.webmin.com/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi/upgrade/ (263 bytes) .. Failed to upgrade from www.webmin.com : Missing Location header

Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- how had you installed Webmin/Virtualmin... did you by chance use the install.sh script?

What does this command show:

dpkg -l 'webmin*' | grep ii


the command output is: ii webmin 1.470 A web-based administration interface for Unix systems.

i must ask my collage, he installed the webmin. Notice you when i will have the answer(He is on holiday now unlucky.)

Well, that helps -- It looks like you have the Webmin package installed, and you can use apt-get to perform the various Webmin related upgrades.

You could run an "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" if you'd like to upgrade all the older packages on your system.

If you just want to update Webmin (and related modules), you could run "apt-get update && apt-get install webmin".

I'd recommend the former (upgrading everything), as keeping all the packages on your system up to date is important for many reasons, including security concerns :-)

The original error happens if you are running Webmin 1.470 or older, due to changes in sourceforge's download site. The fix is to either update with apt-get install webmin as Eric suggested, or with the commands :

cd /tmp
wget "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/webadmin/webmin/1.480/webmin_1.480_all.deb?use_mirror=softlayer"
dpkg --install webmin_1.480_all.deb

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.