Failed to change password : Incorrect old password

On our Virtualmin Server, one of our virtual server admins is trying to change their password via the webmin chanve passwords module. When they use the webmin module: Change Password available to them in their virtualmin admin section, to change the password that was set for them in the Virtualmin -> Edit Virtual Server -> Configurable Settings -> Change Admin Password, they get this error: Failed to change password : Incorrect old password

If, as a master user, I change the password in the Virtualmin -> Edit Virtual Server -> Configurable Settings -> Change Admin Password section, it still does not work for the user when they log in as themselves...

I can't find anything in the miniserv logs that gives a clue (but then again, I may not be looking in the right place).

Closed (fixed)


If you go to (as root) Webmin -> Webmin Users -> serveradmin and click to by-pass the warning, what is the "Password" menu set to? It should be "Unix authentication".

It is set to "unix authentication" currently.

Does it work if they use the Change Password link on the left menu (near the bottom), or change it at Edit Virtual Server -> Configurable settings ?

When they use the Change Password link on their admin page, it generates this error.

If they reset the password, or I as admin, reset their password via Edit Virtual Server -> Configurable Settings, they still have the same issue when using the Change Password link on their admin page.

Is there a log file I can look at that could tell what is happening?

Could you attach a screenshot showing which Change Password link they are using? There are a few in Virtualmin, and I want to be sure the right one is being used ..

Also, what is the output from the command :

grep username /etc/shadow

I'd like to see the format their encrypted password is in.

Sorry for the delay in response on this one, been on vacation...

[root@kermit ~]# grep quakers /etc/shadow quakers:$1$51303457$fyngZfc.G4IZIIFDu7fEv/:14482::::::

I've attached screenshots of both places we've tried to change this user's password.

So if you click on Server Configuration -> Change Password , does it still report "Incorrect old password" or similar? Because that page doesn't even have an old password field..

I'd be interested to see a screenshot of the error page if possible.

One place that is known not to work is Webmin -> System -> Change Passwords, which will be fixed in the next Webmin release.

attached is a .txt email of what the server's admin did, and a .doc file with screenshots.


[root@kermit quakers]# ll
total 36
drwxr-xr-x 2 quakers quakers 4096 Sep  9 14:03 awstats
drwxr-x--- 2 quakers quakers 4096 Jun 10 20:26 cgi-bin
drwxr-xr-x 3 quakers quakers 4096 Jun 10 20:11 etc
drwxr-xr-x 2 quakers quakers 4096 Jun 10 20:26 fcgi-bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 quakers quakers 4096 Jun 10 20:11 homes
drwxr-x--- 2 quakers quakers 4096 Jun 10 20:17 logs
drwx------ 9 quakers quakers 4096 Aug 26 13:37 Maildir
drwxr-x--- 3 quakers quakers 4096 Jun 12 10:37 public_html
drwxr-x--- 2 quakers quakers 4096 Jun 12 10:37 tmp
[root@kermit quakers]# cd Maildir/
[root@kermit Maildir]# ll
total 60
drwx------ 2 quakers quakers 12288 Aug 26 13:35 cur
-rw------- 1 quakers quakers   180 Aug 26 13:35 dovecot.index
-rw------- 1 quakers quakers 19456 Aug 26 13:35 dovecot.index.cache
-rw------- 1 quakers quakers  7248 Aug 26 13:36 dovecot.index.log
-rw------- 1 quakers quakers  4626 Aug 26 13:33 dovecot-uidlist
drwx------ 2 quakers quakers  4096 Sep  9 09:25 new
drwx------ 2 quakers quakers  4096 Sep  9 09:25 tmp

Ok, I think I can see the real issue now - the password for accessing his IMAP inbox is wrong.

Does it help if you edit the .usermin/mailbox/inbox.imap file under the mail user's home directory, and correct the pass= line?

Also, what is the output from the following commands :

grep -e mail_system -e pop3_server /etc/usermin/mailbox/config
quota -v quakers
[root@kermit ~]# grep -e mail_system -e pop3_server /etc/usermin/mailbox/config
[root@kermit ~]# quota -v quakers
Disk quotas for user quakers (uid 622):
     Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
       /dev/md1   11492  102400       0             455       0       0

Interesting, the permissions for inbox.imap in quakers was -rw-r--r-- 1 root    root       36 Jun 10 20:11 inbox.imap

I changed it to be like the rest of them, and what I saw in other .usermin directories [root@kermit mailbox]# chown quakers:quakers inbox.imap

I then changed the password for the site user at the virtualmin level (edit virtual server), and it did not change the .usermin/mailbox/inbox.imap password

I could log in with the new password to virtualmin as quakers, and changed the password there in Server Configuration -> Change Password

That did not change the .usermain/mailbox/inbox.imap password either.

Should it not be updating the usermin imap file with the new password? Am I doing something wrong?

Do you have any script/option that can repair permissions recursively for virtual servers?

Yes, that inbox.imap file certainly should be getting updated .. and does on my test systems.

If you go to Edit Mail and FTP Users, click on the username and open the "Email settings" section, is "Primary email address enabled?" set to "Yes" ?

It was set to "no", we've set to "yes" and everything appears to work.

Not sure how that got changed, but it appears to be the issue here.

The original password issue that started this thread is not happening either, so you can close this issue...

Thanks jamie!

Great! Also, I will fix Virtualmin to set the IMAP password correctly even if that is set to "No".

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.