Roundcube & Squirrelmail Password Plugins

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#1 Thu, 07/16/2009 - 02:17

Roundcube & Squirrelmail Password Plugins

Dear Support,

I would like to add plugins to change user password in Roundcube or squirrelmail webmail. I hv been using the basic features and now i wish to add the function to change webmail user password via the roundcube or squirreimail wihtout involving the usermin interface.

Can you guide me how to go about installing this plugins and making it work. Thanks and regards,


Thu, 07/16/2009 - 07:25

I don't have any experience with setting up password changes within RoundCube or Squirrelmail.

One thing to remember, is that if you do this, it would cause the password to be out of sync with the rest of the Virtualmin account info.

However, while I don't believe RoundCube offers a plugin to do this, SquirrelMail probably would. You can find Squirrelmail plugins here:

It looks like the repository is offline at the moment, but once it comes back on, you can look there for plugins and instructions on installing them.


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