Virtualmin Licenses

Before you can use Cloudmin to create a virtual system with Virtualmin installed, you must have at least once license that can be used for Virtualmin on that system. Fortunately, Cloudmin has a built-in license management and registration tool, which makes it easy to add and use the licenses you have purchased.

Registering Licenses

To aquire a new Virtualmin license and add it to Cloudmin, follow these steps :

  1. Go the Virtualmin website and purchase a license at .
  2. In Cloudmin, open the Cloudmin Settings left-side menu, and click on Virtualmin Licenses.
  3. In the Add Virtualmin license form, enter the serial number and key for the license you just purchased.
  4. Click the Add License button. Cloudmin will validate the serial and key you entered, then return you to the list of registered licences. The number of domains and systems that it is valid for will be displayed.

If you need to add many licenses at once, they can be pasted into the text box at the bottom of the Virtualmin Licenses page. Each should be on a separate line, with the serial number and key separated by a space.

Using Licenses

Once a license has been registered, it can be used when creating a virtual system from an image with Virtualmin, or when installing Virtualmin on a managed system. This is done in the Virtualmin options section of the creation form, using the License for Virtualmin from image field. Assuming that you have at least one registered license with free systems, you can select the Allocate from license pool option to make use of it.

In some cases, your Cloudmin license may also include the rights to be used on one or more Virtualmin installs. In this case, you can select Same as Cloudmin license on the system creation or Virtualmin installation form.


Hello, Is it possible to buy an license currently?

Still can now buy new licenses? What is going on?