List all certificates

Hi there,

Is there a way to list all certificates on the server? I see the virtualmin list-certs command ( ), but there seem to be no options to display or sort on the expiry dates. That's the key information for me, as I know that a bunch of renewals have failed (due to seeing the subject lines in my logs), but I don't know how to look them up en masse without bothering the user and asking them to tell me information that I don't know about my own server.



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Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Tue, 09/29/2020 - 15:50


We have command that I created specifically for this single purpose - to display certificates expiration date on the console using a table like output.



Hi Ilia,

Thanks very much. That got me the information I was looking for. Although sort options would be nice. :)


Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Tue, 09/29/2020 - 16:58

Assigned: Unassigned ยป

Yes, it would. We will discuss with Jamie about adding it as part of virtualmin command.

I could add expiry dates and other information to the output from list-certs ?

Hi Jamie,

I presume that's what Ilia's suggesting, and it sounds good to me.


With both alphabetical and date sort options.

You could actually do this with a shell script already :

for dom in `virtualmin list-domains --with-feature ssl`; do
  virtualmin get-ssl --domain $dom

Thanks Jamie, but not nearly as neat and table-like as Ilia's script.

It also had a lot of extraneous output:

Virtual server Ltd. does not exist

Displays SSL certificate information for some domain.

virtualmin get-ssl --domain name

"Ltd." in this case being the third word of the virtual server's description, the other two words also generating the same output.

Sorry, I gave the script wrong. It should be :

for dom in `virtualmin list-domains --name-only --with-feature ssl`; do
  virtualmin get-ssl --domain $dom

Thanks. That works without errors.

Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Fri, 10/09/2020 - 03:43

but not nearly as neat and table-like as Ilia's script.

Yes, this is the reason why I implemented it in the first place.

I could pretty easily make this an API command, I think. I'll work on it.

Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Fri, 10/09/2020 - 10:33

Okay, I have added this functionality to the core Virtualmin API, with additional sorting capabilities based on selected column and rich domain matching:
    Output the certificates expiry date for matching or all existing virtual

    This program can be used to print SSL expiry dates for all existing
    domains. The following output controls available :

    "--all-domains" All existing domains

    "--domain" Domain name or a regex to match

    "--sort" Select a column to sort on, either expiry date or domain name

    "--sort-order" Sort order applied to selected column, either ascending
    or descending

    Required Perl dependencies Text::ASCIITable and Time::Piece will be
    automatically installed if missing

Output the certificates expiry date for matching or all existing virtual servers.

virtualmin list-certs-expiry --all-domains | --domain regex
                            [--sort [expiry|name]
                            [--sort-order [asc|desc]

Example of usage:

virtualmin list-certs-expiry --all-domains --sort expiry --sort-order desc    # list all domains, with descending sorting on expiry column
virtualmin list-certs-expiry --domain 2$ --sort name --sort-order asc         # list all domains, ending with '2',  with ascending sorting on domain name column

Example of output

root@debug-ubuntu20-pro:~# virtualmin list-certs-expiry --all-domains --sort expiry --sort-order asc
|                                SSL CERTIFICATES EXPIRATION DATES                                |
| debug-ubuntu20-pro-2 | /home/debug-ubuntu20-pro-2/ssl.cert | Nov 27, 2020 | 49 days    | VALID  |
| debug-ubuntu20-pro   | /home/debug-ubuntu20-pro/ssl.cert   | Jan 07, 2021 | 89 days    | VALID  |
| debug-ubuntu20-pro-1 | /home/debug-ubuntu20-pro-1/ssl.cert | Oct 08, 2025 | 4 years    | VALID  |
  • Ilia

Thanks Ilia. Looks good. I installed the script at /usr/libexec/webmin/virtual-server on a Pro server, named owned by root with 755 permissions, but I had to change the path to perl on my system in the head of your script. The output was perfect.

