Debian 10 official support when ?

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Mon, 12/02/2019 - 08:31 (Reply to #51)

Let's see together what I found in this post:

Joe's pictureSubmitted by Joe on Wed, 05/31/2017 - 21:54 Pro LicenseeComment #2 We historically have support for new distros available within a week of it being marked stable by the vendor (sometimes faster, rarely slower).

As you all see it never happened such of delay in the past. I agree there is a lack of communication. That "rarely slower" became 6 months at this moment in Debian 10 case.

Mon, 10/07/2019 - 05:54

Put it this way. ;)

The latest stable release should be the most stable. ( Microsoft knows how that works very well) ;)

Mon, 10/07/2019 - 17:23 (Reply to #53)

True, very true...

Thu, 10/17/2019 - 17:22

So, who wants a bucket of popcorn? :D

(jokes aside, just 3 days ago a recent reply was posted in this thread: , with this line of text "Sorry for the delay guys, we are working on Debian 10 support though, and hope to release it soon!", in case you are interested.)

Fri, 10/18/2019 - 01:21

If anyone would like to do some beta testing, the new Virtualmin version has support for the software included in Debian 10. We're still testing, but if you'd like to give it a try feel free:

Mon, 12/02/2019 - 06:50 (Reply to #56)

there is no link for a download for over there either ?

Sat, 10/26/2019 - 10:41

@andreychek: where is the beta testing version? I would like to test it. You link points to nothing.

Wed, 10/30/2019 - 05:12
ceeohtwo's picture

I also asked the question: is it possible to install Webmin on Debian 10, did a search and found this post along with a solution here

How To Install Webmin on Debian 10 Linux

I haven't tried it yet but wondered if there has been any progress since the last post in this forum.

Tue, 11/12/2019 - 03:05

looking forward...

Wed, 11/13/2019 - 15:35

Does virtualmin automatic install via script officially suport Debian 10? Or still not support?

Thu, 11/14/2019 - 03:03

I give it up, too much time wait for Debian 10 and CentOS 8. Chinese corporations like AApanel is finished for all new Linux releases, Virtualmin sleeping many months. Choosing other free method, this is horrible...

Thu, 11/14/2019 - 03:37 (Reply to #62)


That one has much more Programmers working

Virtualmin Webmin has less takes more time.

If you want fast ( it has to be with as little BUGS as possible) go and pay some buck, then they can provide more man/women/,, power.

Bigger panels not free have more people / programmers while custommers pay.

YUP i'm waiting to CENTOS8 , but you comment is out of line here and not done. for GPL .... the way you did.

Tue, 11/26/2019 - 03:26

Seeing this long delay for sure we will catch Debian 11 release. Sad times, not even a testing version.

Wed, 11/27/2019 - 17:31 (Reply to #64)

I imagine they must have their reasons, something taking a lot more time than expected, or having to wait for a third party to do something and taking forever in doing so.

IMO, the problem isn't the delay in the release, but the lack of communication around it.

Mon, 12/02/2019 - 08:32

Let's see together what I found in this post:

Joe's pictureSubmitted by Joe on Wed, 05/31/2017 - 21:54 Pro LicenseeComment #2 We historically have support for new distros available within a week of it being marked stable by the vendor (sometimes faster, rarely slower).

As you all see it never happened such of delay in the past. I agree there is a lack of communication. That "rarely slower" became 6 months at this moment in Debian 10 case.

Mon, 12/02/2019 - 09:00


There is / was a lot of extra work because of BUGS and security!

Then for sure CENTOS 8 ( debian i don't know) is seemly different then CENTOS 7 for network and cipher / tls , yummie things.

Also some parts of virtualmin / webmin are hmm to old Postfix mariadb mysql and so on , my opinion, so lot of (extra) work and that takes some time then. ( some as mariadb is in progress...)

I hope to with next comming update for support for newest OS as Debian 10 and CENTOS 8 for testing / live...

Wed, 12/11/2019 - 09:59
Sylice's picture

Hey guys, I am attempting to "hack" the install script to make it install for Debian 10 without warnings. I have no idea if it will work correctly - haven't tested it yet (but I plan to) - at the moment I'm just doing some research/collecting data on what exactly needs to be changed to make it work.

At the very basic I need to add version 10 to the list of "allowed" installs. That part is easy, then I need to add a special condition to when it gets down to adding the VirtualMin repos so that it adds one for "buster".

I think I've worked out that the actual VirtualMin repos appear to be stored/listed here:

The current "Stretch" install, I believe, adds the following repos (although I have to confirm this as well with some testing): virtualmin-stretch main virtualmin-universal main

If you actually visit here: - you can see, there is already a folder in place for "debian-buster" - with files in it ... they haven't been updated since July, not sure if that matters because, take note that "universal" was updated on Oct 26th.

Take note that Oct 26 is 8 days after this post: - where Joe said "Debian 10 support should be announced in a day or two (we're testing and it looks good so far)".

So lets just assume that the "testing" part that "looks good so far" is already included in that universal Oct 26th updates - at least, that's what I'm going to assume.

With all that said - as mentioned, I need to do a bit of internal testing here and then I'll toss up copy of the script at some point with the added hacks to try to make VirtualMin install on Deb 10 ...

If I am unable to get it working, I will report back hopefully in a few days, but next week at the latest. If I AM able to get it working I will hopefully report back sooner!

Wed, 12/11/2019 - 10:15


OK nice good i doubt.

If testing that should be in a structured way i think, otherwise some double or even solved things could take time from you or support.

If you want to test try to open a ticket or such , that makes more sense testing in combination with the virtualmin support / developers.?

If you do it for yourself , the pro could be you learn more about it , the con makes then only sense if you have enough spare time and like doing it.

BUT as writen above makes more sense to do it in structured way!

Thu, 12/19/2019 - 08:14
Sylice's picture

Update, I have successfully installed VirtualMin from a "blank" (fresh install) Debian 10 server using minimal hacks to the installer script, exactly as I described above.

Basically all I did was add an extra "condition" in the script so that if it detects that Debian version = "10", it will set the installed repos using virtualmin-buster instead of stretch (as noted in my previous post).

I'd love for anyone else who is interested to give it a try too:


(I probably won't keep this link up/active long term - hopefully we see an official one pretty soon anyways)

I'm going to start building a "production" server using it over the next few weeks and see if I run into any serious issues and will let you guys know if I do.

So far I have it running on NGINX, installed PostgreSQL, all working fine.

Anyone else trying it out, please let us know your results.

Tue, 12/17/2019 - 17:58

A testing version compatible Debian 10 is now available:

Fri, 12/27/2019 - 15:21
Francewhoa's picture

According to the Virtualmin OS Support page. Debian 10 is now supported and well-maintained.

Grade A Supported Systems
Debian 8, 9, and 10 on i386 and amd64

Source or

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Senior Product Manager, and Co-Founder at Inc.
Love back your Virtualmin & Webmin community


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