Remove `Configure Website`under the `Services` option if there is no permission to edit the virtual server (domain)

I am trying to setup a plan with minimum absolutely necessary options, so I enabled only the following capabilities for the plan:

Can select PHP versions
Can manage SSL certificates
Can make backups
Can change domain's password

All other capabilities are disabled. Particularly, what was important in our use case - I made sure the virtual server's owner can not edit domains, manage users or aliases. However, when logging in as a user I can click on the Configure Website under the Servicesoptions and do changes to various website options. I do believe the Configure Website link should be completely removed if a user has no permission to edit the website.

Closed (fixed)


What is worse - user with minimum permissions still have access to

Webmin > System > Scheduled Commands Webmin > System > Scheduled Cron Jobs

Webmin > Servers > Apache Weberver Webmin > Servers > BIND DNS Server Webmin > Servers > MySQL Database servers

etc and all sub-options. So simple task to create a plan with minimal options totally fail with Virtualmin :(

You can limit which of these users can access at the Template level, at System Settings -> Server Templates -> Default Settings -> Administrator's webmin modules.

kurtobando's picture
Submitted by kurtobando on Sun, 07/21/2019 - 02:57

I follow the System Settings -> Server Templates -> Default Settings -> Administrator's webmin modules. However, I do not see any option to remove the Configure Website option, see

Any suggestions?

Edit: Just disable Apache Webserver (for virtual host) in Administrator's webmin modules. This should remove Configure Website in Services