I have 3 KVM hosts with Cloudmin GPL licenses, each was standalone host with Cloudmin GPL and without any connoction with any other host. Today I bought Cloudmin Pro license and upgrade each host with the new license serial and key. I chose one Cloudmin host (HOST1) as a master to have a ability to control all KVM instances on any host. After, I register HOST2 in HOST1 as a new KVM Host System (connected by SSH and Webmin). HOST2 is shown as physical server (type) now.
I would like to add all KVM instances from HOST2 to Cloudmin, but I found only one solution - add one by one KVM instance by function Add KVM Instance in Cloudmin menu, where I have to fill SSH and Cloudmin credentials, name, PID etc.
Is there any option how to add all KVM instances from HOST2 by some special function, which read all info about KVM instances from known and connected host?
Thank you.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sun, 06/02/2019 - 02:50 Comment #1
Yes, when you add a system to the cloudmin master as a KVM host, there is an option to scan for running KVM instances. However, details like the root password will not be automatically imported..
Submitted by brano.kosik@allit.sk on Wed, 06/05/2019 - 03:23 Comment #2
Add System -> Add KVM Instance is the only one option how to do it? I suggest to add function to automatic scan and copy all configs of virtual instances from hosts to master, as a feature request :)
Submitted by brano.kosik@allit.sk on Wed, 06/05/2019 - 07:40 Comment #3
I found what do you mean. It would be nice if I can set SSH and Webmin per found KVM instance. Now I can set one SSH and one Webmin credentials only, so one KVM instance will be added without problems and the status is "Webmin" already, but all other instances aren't connected and I have to change passwords for communication manually later.
Submitted by brano.kosik@allit.sk on Wed, 06/05/2019 - 07:46 Comment #4
And I forgot, graphical console password also ;)
Of course, the best will be if the master can read all info from configs.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Wed, 06/05/2019 - 17:30 Comment #5
Yeah, in theory would could support conversion of a Cloudmin GPL system into a host of another master, via automatically importing all the configs. I'll add this idea to our TODO list..