unable to assign ipv6 addresses*it's over*

I just got done restoring my system and i have noticed that while domains that have existing ipv6 addresses virt is not giving me the ability to allocate an ipv6 to a domain. I can do it manually but i should be able to say add an ipv6 to this domain and it should do it. That feature works fine on my 16.04 servers..but not this 18.04 server.

Closed (cannot reproduce)


i am also looking at the restore function and it is not giving me the option to allow it to allocate an ipv6 address from the range.

Ok..for some reason virt did not restore the ipv6 assignment range...got that taken care of.

How did you restore your system originally? Was it from a virtualmin backup that included global configurations?

yep. all of my backups include the virtualmin configs.

Status: Fixed » Closed (fixed)

Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

Status: Closed (fixed) » Active

William bot override.

Title: unable to assign ipv6 addresses » unable to assign ipv6 addresses*it's over*
Status: Active » Closed (cannot reproduce)

I have been trying for a couple of years to get my control panel to work correctly. Unfortunately it appears my choice of web hosting control panel vendors has done me in. The issue has been constant ipv6 issues. My vendor, Virtualmin, is unable to fix the problems and unfortunately this means I have two choices. I have to switch to another control panel which will cost double what I am paying now for less features or I can slowly wind down operations.

All existing hosting arrangements will be honored until their expiry. I will not be accepting any new clients for web hosting and my servers will stay online until Jan 7th 2021. I have plenty of funds to keep things operating until that point. All offerings with the exception of ipv6 will also continue to operate until this time. I am also suspending billing for any renewals as since I am unable to provide the service I advertised I cannot, in good conscience) continue to bill for a service I cannot provide in full.

I simply do not have the resources to build my own panel at this time and the hundreds of hours I have spent have taken a toll on my health. It is, with a heavy heart, that I wind down my hosting operations. For all who have used my service, I thank you. If you want an archive of your site all you have to do is ask and I will make one for you that will facilitate your transition to other hosting. I will also turn over domains to your chosen registrar as well if you have purchased domains through me.Since I am giving over a year’s notice nobody will be shorted on their contracts. Sincerely, William Warren