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Server: Ubuntu 16.04 - Clean install via Virtualmin GPL installer Wordpress install - Migration from cPanel
I have wiped and formatted this Ubuntu box twice - and the results are the same. With all default settings - the WP instance cannot update, add plugins or themes, create folders or write files. I have checked all ownership and permissions. Everything is as it should be given the threads here and elsewhere.
Somehow - I can seem to find any tweak which let's WP function as intended - one click updates, etc. Virtual server is running FCGId (run as virtual server owner). I made sure to not modify anything. Can't seem to figure it out.
So... New wrinkle... All of the problems I was having might be related to the cPanel Migration. So far - I've wiped the server again and done a fresh install - just for giggles - and ran the script installer for WP under the default server settings on a new virtual server. After some database configuration issues the test site is up and running - and doing what it's supposed to. Question is... It's the only site on the server thus far. We'll see how things go once we get more than one.
So - in the continuing conversation with myself... Things worked fine until I started uploading files to the account. Once there was an uploaded file which wasn't installed via the account (i.e. a file I uploaded via FTP) Wordpress started failing to function - and once again asking for FTP credentials to add themes, etc... Even though it had been working flawlessly moments prior... Nice.. Thanks for building a broken out of the box GPL solution... It's been a great help....
I've had issues recently with WordPress as well. Maybe try on CentOS because that is what Virtualmin is primarily developed for.
It's been a nightmare... I wiped and did clean installs 4 times - which I know I didn't have to do - but I didn't want anything hackish going on. The last time - I had everything working. WP was updating and loading and saving plugins like the system was made to do it... Then, BLINK - it was all doinked up again after uploading a few files to the web root via FTP - and none of it was working... Couldn't write, couldn't save. Somewhere in the background something was changing my authority to create new files and directories outside of using the Virtualmin file manager. I suspect some sort of security layer kicks in at some point... One way or the other - the system environment changes by the minute once you start asking it to do things...
So - I wanted to return and say that I finally stopped battling with Ubuntu - even though the issue there seems to be the settings in PHP-FPM. I installed on a new clean copy of centOS minimal and everything works out of the box... So - thanks for that.
I second that. I do everything on Centos. Virtualmin as well as CPanel servers. Centos the way to go. Ubuntu smubuntu - I think that even the GPL guy is criticizing them. Also - pay attention to the trend of upgrading from MySQL to MariaDB. I did it on CPanel since CPanel is pushing it with the logic that under Oracle MySql development cannot be trusted - it is already bloated in comparison -- you save tones of memory by upgrading to MariaDB. Better do that while the two products are still compatible but first lookup the CPanel guideline regarding versions -- go to the latest MySql version before moving to MariaDB.