Use Cloudmin:Connect as master DNS Host

Hello, I have been struggling to setup my Cloudmin Connect instance as a central DNS host for my Virtualmin GPL instances. After reading the documentation and community posts multiple times, I still not sure what I'm doing wrong. So, as far as I know, the right way of doing this is to use the Cloudmin Services plugin.

  • I've added the Virtualmin system to Cloudmin at " New System > Add Physical System", it successfuly connects to the fresh Virtualmin instance.

  • Then I went at "Virtualmin Settings > Cloudmin Settings > Add a new system for service hosting" and selected the Cloudmin instance (which is listed as it's local hostname "cloudmin.internal" and set DNS zones to Unlimited, and clicked save.

    • Since I also want to use one of my Virtualmin instances as a DNS Slave, I also added a new entry, selected the virtualmin instance i wanted (listed as it's external IP address) and enabled DNS slave zones for it.

Now I'm not sure how to proceed, When I enter the Virtualmin instance at "System Settings > Cloudmin Services Client", set the cloudmin address and credentials, and check DNS zones as feature to host, it says "check failed : DNS service not supported"

If I create a new Virtual Domain from the Cloudmin panel, it will register the domain on it's own virtualmin instance, instead of the Cloudmin DNS.

What am I doing wrong in this setup? What is the proper way of setting up the Cloudmin instance as the master DNS, and my first Virtualmin GPL server as the slave, and register all the Virtualmin Domains I create after to the master DNS?

PS: Bind DNS Server is up and running on both Cloudmin and Virtualmin instances

Closed (fixed)


Actually, I found what my problem was. I had to create a Virtual System Owner on Cloudmin, I was trying to use root as the owner.