MySQL Backups Stopped

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#1 Thu, 05/24/2018 - 22:55

MySQL Backups Stopped


I previously had MySQL backing up all of my databases into one folder containing daily, weekly, and monthly sub-folders. Apparently it randomly stopped. The file names were database-name_the date (IE: wordpress_2018-04-01_06h25m.Sunday.sql.gz). Can anyone please help me get this set up again?

Thank you.

Thu, 05/31/2018 - 19:52


Sat, 06/02/2018 - 19:01

not to ruin your idea or anything, however, since i see that you are using wordpress may i suggest that you use a wordpress plugin for this. It will be much easier in the long run.

as another alternative, if you were to use "installatron remote" (its free) for the wordpress install, all of this can be controlled from installatron online interface.


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Mon, 06/11/2018 - 13:01

Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately that will not work, I have databases that are not tied to Wordpress. Any other ideas? I had this setup before, I just can't figure out what went wrong.

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