Cloundmin basics


i installed cloudmin pro on debian 8, still getting those bind errors, which i reported before, and again, the server status is not being shown on webmin's dashboard, as i reported also earlier with Ubuntu 16, Ubuntu 18 and CentOS 7

I will have to check lateron more deeply on firewall installation, but i haven't seen any bridged network setup information while setup.

And i am still stuck with some basic issues:

My server runs on domain

I want to have different containers (on subdomains), where the main webpage of that domain is running on

the domains are like this:

But i am stuck with how to get cloudmin to recognize those. When i want to create a new server like okm, it would be created as, which is something i don't want. Using another domain as fqdn for cloudmin server doesn't help either for using subdomains of different domains, not available on cloudmin pro server.

Would i need to install virtualmin and create those subs? And how would i get cloudmin to recognize them, so it doesn't create

This information is lacking from documentation, and i need some docker containers and some kvm windows containers as well.

Any help truly appreciated to sort this out.

Thanks and best j_m PS: No, i do not want to create the containers on, because server01 has enough to do and remaining ressources don't allow it to use it for virtualizing.



The best supported solution right now is to have Cloudmin create the VM in the domain hosted on the master system, and then for you to add a separate DNS record in the real domain that you want pointing to the correct IP address.

Thank you for getting back.

given, that my cloudmin master is and my domain is on

When i want to create a container on the master, which will be adressed by, how would i do the correct supported setup?

When i register a docker host, it tells me to use the system hosting Docker containers, and asks me to add Docker systems to DNS domain , which is not yet created or localhost. I assume i use, which i will create in DNS in my registrar account and point it to server03's IP, correct?

Then, if i add support, for instance, it would create or

Then i would create in the worldwide DNS and pointing it to which IP? I tried to pointing it to server03's IP, which didn't work, because, server03 never heared from this domain, that's why i asked, whether i have to create a virtualmin virtual server on the cloudmin master. Or should i point it to server01 and which changes to the configuration would i need to do then on server01 and server03, also given, that i want to provide a letsencrypt certificate for

As you see, i am more than a little bit confused about what to do; if you could elaborate a little more about this concept, i could get things going somehow.

Btw, any news on the the install problems?

Thanks and best j_m

I moved on a little bit, trying to setup docker and found out, that, after i installed docker and docker-compose, i have a problem by creating a docker volume. It says:

Error response from daemon: create disk1: error looking up volume plugin flocker: plugin "flocker" not found

flocker is a legacy plugin for docker and would also require docker swarm, as far as i can tell. I saw, a workaround would be instead of using flocker using the entry "local"; but where can i change that? Unfortunately, the documentation lacks several points :-(

Thanks and best j_m


i am still stuck here and would like to move on.

Thanks and best j_m

Coming back to the original problem - Cloudmin will always by default setup VMs and containers with a hostname under a single domain, but there is nothing to stop you from adding a separate DNS record that points to the same IP address. And then using that hostname when creating a Virtualmin domain.

That said, are you sure you really need Docker in this case? Why not just use Virtualmin domains?

Well, could you elaborate a little about setting up the DNS for Cloudmin? Usually virtualmin does the job for me. And i am wondering, how to setup, given, that is on another server. Why Docker:

i need several softwarepackages, which won't install within a virtual host, like zammad or OTRS or OpenKM or nuxeo. They come with a lot of dependencies and os-packages to get it up running. Docker would be the choice, to simply install, test things, and either keep it or remove it without having to reinstall basic OS. If zammad does its job better than OTRS, i keep zammad. If nuxeo is better than OpenKM or Mayan, i will keep nuxeo. Some come with Ruby others with java etc. They are alle being made by design for using it in Docker or a separte server, but all of them don't have too much system requirements. instead of having a lot of virtual rootservers with a provider, i'd like to virtualize those by myself. Seems to make life easier.

Almost all of this packages will be installable via docker, making handling more easy.

Thanks and best


PS: and last, but not least, i got a cloudmin pro license, so i wanted to put it in use. :-)


Can we please move on? I got a large root server to host various docker container and i would like to put this in use (besides paying for the server for a couple of months and investing literally weeks without getting cloudmin pro to work either.... )

This one domain name problem i also have when i want to setup KVM, so there seems to be a pattern ;-)

Thanks and best jm

Hi, not really, because it is not working as intended at the moment, don't know, where the problem lies. Docker is a faster way, usually, because, each time you download a dockerimage, you have the most recent version available, on the other hand, it might be hard to detect good docker images from those which are poorly maintained.


PS @Jamie: Please, can we continue here? I feel a little bit ... well ...