I've transfert a website on a new server.
The new server add on ip ending by .58 and other ip ending by .43 dedicated for this website.
On Webmin, i've eth0 with .58 and eth0.1 with .43
On Virtualmin .58 is the "Default shared IPv4 address" and .43 is a "Shared IPv4 addresses for any servers"
I've a first domain (the virtual server) and subs alias domains.
On the subs alias domains, into the dns records screen, i've this red warning message : Warning - errors were found in this domain's DNS records : The DNS record xxx.com. resolves to the IP address x.x.x.43 instead of the virtual server's IP x.x.x.58
Here virtual server summary : https://www.noelshack.com/2018-19-5-1526024106-v1.jpg
Here virtual server dns records : https://www.noelshack.com/2018-19-5-1526024485-v2.jpg
Here Alias domail dns records (and error message) : https://www.noelshack.com/2018-19-5-1526024264-v3.jpg
Have you idea for this error message ?
Up please