Can't access Virtualmin admin page

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#1 Mon, 04/09/2018 - 10:47

Can't access Virtualmin admin page

Hope someone can help...

I can't access our Virtualmin admin page. It looks like someone has changed our password for the account we used to use (possibly a previous administrator).

We used to use root as the username to login but, when I try to use the password reset form it says it doesn't recognise the user account. I get emails from virtualmin about our system backups on localhost.localdomain but if I try to use this domain on the password reset form it doesn't recognise it.

Is there anything I can do to regain access?



Mon, 04/09/2018 - 22:01


It sounds like you're unable to login as root even at the console or SSH.

In that case, you'd need to boot your server into single user mode in order to change the password.

Which distro is it that you're using there?


Tue, 04/10/2018 - 03:09

Hey andreychek

Thanks for the reply. As you can probably tell I'm a complete newbie when it comes to Virtualmin. The system was setup by a previous admin so I have no idea which distro I'm afraid.

I did however discover that I CAN ssh into the site using the 'root' username/password so it's only the GUI that is no longer accepting the password for the 'root' user.

Any idea how I can fix the GUI login?

Thanks in advance.


Wed, 04/11/2018 - 08:29

Anyone know how I can reset the password for the Webmin Admin GUI from within an SSH session?

Wed, 04/11/2018 - 13:49 (Reply to #4)
unborn's picture

@sbit - hi, If you happen to use ubuntu as your os you can change your root password like this:

  1. Type the following command to become root user and issue passwd: sudo -i. passwd
  2. or set a password for root user in a single go: sudo passwd root

If you run debian:

  1. Log into ssh and issue command sudo passwd root
  2. or, if you’re running as root already (which you shouldn’t be), just issue command:passwd

The root argument can be omitted, because when you execute passwd it defaults to the current user (which is root, as only root can change the root password). Root accounts are only able to log into virtualmin administration gui (web page).

edit: to found out what distro you are running just log into ssh and issue command cat /etc/*-release or lsb_release -a - that would tell you the information clearly.

Configuring/troubleshooting Debian servers is always great fun

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