Hi Ilia,
I installed the latest Authentic Theme but the File manager don't even start, it just tries to reload and I can't start anything else while it loading! I have to close the browser and log in again!
This is urgent, I cant do any work at the moment if I use Authentic theme! I can open the File Manager in a new tab but it takes forever to load on every click!
I can't install the latest stable version either, it just warns me about the 19.10 version even on the stable release install!
Please tell me how to get back to a stable version since the theme update for stable release don't work!
CentOS 7.4.1708, Webmin version 1.88, Usermin version 1.734, Virtualmin version 6.02 Pro, Authentic Theme 19.10 (at the moment)
I use Latest Firefox 59.02 64 bit and Latest Firefox ESR 32-bit
Best regards, Leffe
Load forever?
Tree view loads a long time?
You can tweak the tree depth scan on the initial run and set it to 1. What is it currently?
Submitted by Blueforce on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 08:10 Pro Licensee Comment #2
It wont even start the file manager... it just loads forever, and I cant click any other links, the file manager just loads in the right "frame".
Can you backup and remove
Then remove the file on the server and reload the page in the browser.
Does it help?
Submitted by Blueforce on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 08:16 Pro Licensee Comment #4
I can open the file manager in a new tab and disable the tree but the file manager wont load anyway! I can only start it in a new tab! And it don't change the "...records per page" either, it just says 20 when I get back to the file manager from the config page.
Submitted by Blueforce on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 08:17 Pro Licensee Comment #5
Oh... sorry, I'll try that, just a moment...
Submitted by Blueforce on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 08:20 Pro Licensee Comment #6
I only have
settings-root (without .js)
. Post the content here and delete the file, reload the page and tell me if it works?Submitted by Blueforce on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 08:26 Pro Licensee Comment #8
No... Still loading File manager after a page reload!
I will try later tonight but I can't reproduce it on any of my servers. :(
Submitted by Blueforce on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 08:30 Pro Licensee Comment #10
How can I get back to the previous version, right now I cant do anything in Authentic... the page is still loading Fila manager even if I click some other function in the left menu.
Submitted by Blueforce on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 08:32 Pro Licensee Comment #11
the 19.02 version did the same but from that I could go back to the latest stable version.
Why not trying incognito tab?
What is your default module for Webmin?
You can downgrade by downloading previous package from Releases section on GitHub or use update script by running from theme directory:
./theme-update.sh --release:19.09.2
Submitted by Blueforce on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 08:43 Pro Licensee Comment #13
I get
TERM environment variable not set. [49;1;35;82mOperation aborted.[0m
And the 19.09.2 did not work either, I need the previous version.
:) pipe it.
yes | ./theme-update.sh --release:19.09.2
Or login using ssh and don't there.
Or run
./theme-update.sh --help
Submitted by Blueforce on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 08:53 Pro Licensee Comment #16
Sorry... I'm no Linux guy! ;)
And thanks... it works now and to correct my self, file manager do work in the 19.09.2 version, I also added back the settings file... I guess that contains my theme settings.
Thanks! //Leffe
Submitted by Blueforce on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 11:43 Pro Licensee Comment #17
I was thinking if the Usermin version have something to do with the file manager not loading in theme version 19.10? My Usermin version is 1.734 which seems to be the latest. I anyhow get the warning if trying to install the latest Authentic theme.
If this is not the reason then I can install 19.10 again if it can help you figure out what could be wrong.
As I said before, I have tried to install the other development versions prior 19.10 and I had the same problem there with file manager not loading, so I reverted back to latest stable version every time.
In the future, always report it. before the actual release. It's very strange to see this error. I have friend's machine, where we could reproduce it. It's bizarre, honestly. Working on the fix.
It's fixed. It's variable scope issue. It only affected the users with enabled Action Column.
Thank you and special thanks to Kay Marquardt for proving an access for the machine, where I could reproduce the bug.
Please give another try to 19.10.
Submitted by Blueforce on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 12:17 Pro Licensee Comment #20
Ok, sorry about not reporting... I actually thought that it was connected to the Usermin warning. I'm glad that it could be reproduced so you could see it for your self.
Looking forward to install the new theme version when this is fixed!
Submitted by Blueforce on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 13:41 Pro Licensee Comment #21
Works perfectly now!
I think I'll like the tree view, I'll try work in it to see how it reacts!
Is it possible to expand the file manager, the whole right window of the authentic theme to full available size, both width and height?
Submitted by Mick Collopy on Tue, 08/28/2018 - 20:19 Comment #23
I ended up deleting the theme and reinstalling it, as well as fill-in module. After restating web min, it worked.