Virtual server list in Virtualmin tab closes by it self

Hi Ilia,

The virtual server list in Virtualmin tab do close it self while scrolling down to select a virtual server, I usually have to do this 3-4 times before it stays open so that I can scroll down to click my preferred virtual server. It has been like this for some time now, but it is starting to get on my nerves! smile

Also... it don't do this every time, but it is anyhow doing it way to often.

I did mention this before,

Best regards, Leffe

Closed (fixed)


That's odd .. can you attach a video or screencast of this behavior?

Also, what browser are you seeing that issue in? If you try a different browser, do you still see the issue?

Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Wed, 03/28/2018 - 00:15

Leffe, I'm not sure why this is happening. Are you talking about navigation menu and select at the top for virtual-server?

It shouldn't happen what you're describing.

Besides, you don't even need to scroll anything there, just type/filter needed name of virtual-server.

Hi, this actually did happen, and it has been like this since we where talking about the auto-focus thing in February. It did react in the same way as the form auto-focus thing. When I dropped the virtual server list there was no cursor in the search field, it did get there after about a second and at the same time it closed the dropped list. It did this 3-4 times before the list stayed dropped.

But it now seems that this has gone away after I was trying to install the latest Authentic theme, And the cursor is in the search field at once now when I drop the list.

Besides, you don't even need to scroll anything there, just type/filter needed name of virtual-server.

I think it is much more easy to just scroll down and click the one wanted instead of first clicking the Virtual List and then move the hand to the keyboard to start typing and then go by arrow keys to select and hit enter. But that is just how i do and prefer things. :)

As this no longer is an issue, it can be marked closed and works as designed


Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Thu, 04/26/2018 - 04:33

Status: Active ยป Closed (fixed)