Submitted by dfrm on Sun, 12/24/2017 - 02:27
After the latest update all my websites were down. Php changed to FPM and php version fell to 5.5 killing all my websites. Thanks for xmas update and nerves...
After the latest update all my websites were down. Php changed to FPM and php version fell to 5.5 killing all my websites. Thanks for xmas update and nerves...
Submitted by andreychek on Sun, 12/24/2017 - 10:14 Comment #1
Howdy -- thanks for contacting us!
It doesn't sound like you're seeing an issue with Virtualmin there though.
Updating Virtualmin shouldn't affect the PHP Execution Mode, or change the PHP version.
Let's start here though -- what distribution/version is it that you're using?
Submitted by dfrm on Tue, 12/26/2017 - 02:06 Comment #2
Webmin version 1.870 Usermin version 1.720 Virtualmin version 6.02 Pro
Well I wasnt doing anything on the server. In the morning I jsut wake up check the websites and there were errors everywhere. Did restart server nothing - then checked php there was 5.5.9 and running by fpm. Previosly it was set to run as fcgid with php 7.0
Submitted by andreychek on Tue, 12/26/2017 - 09:14 Comment #3
Sure, we can help troubleshoot what's going on there.
What Linux distribution and version is it that you're using there though?
Submitted by dfrm on Wed, 12/27/2017 - 00:47 Comment #4
Ubuntu 14.04, btw from the begining there is something wrong with the php. Is there any chance you could re-install it so even if it switches to fpm it will be using 7.0 ?However I need 5.5.9 for one website
Submitted by andreychek on Wed, 12/27/2017 - 08:06 Comment #5
Excellent, thanks for the info about your OS.
The next step is to take a look at your repositories, as well as get some additional information about the PHP version that's installed.
What is the output of these commands:
find /etc/apt/
cat /etc/apt/sources.list
dpkg -l 'php*'
Also, when was your initial Virtualmin installation performed on this server, roughly? Was it recently, or has this server been running for awhile?
Submitted by dfrm on Fri, 12/29/2017 - 04:26 Comment #6
/etc/apt/ /etc/apt/preferences.d /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ondrej-php.gpg~ /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ondrej-php.gpg /etc/apt/sources.liste /etc/apt/trusted.gpg~ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ondrej-php-trusty.list /etc/apt/apt.conf.d /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00trustcdrom /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-postgresql /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20changelog /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20apt-show-versions /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove /etc/apt/ /etc/apt/trusted.gpg
deb trusty main restricted universe deb-src trusty main restricted universe deb trusty-updates main restricted universe deb-src trusty-updates main restricted universe deb trusty-security main restricted universe deb-src trusty-security main restricted universe deb virtualmin-trusty main deb virtualmin-universal main
dpkg -l 'php*' Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) ||/ Name Version Architecture Description +++-===================================-==========================================-============-=================================================================================================== un php (no description available) un php-amqp (no description available) un php-apc (no description available) un php-apcu (no description available) un php-apcu-bc (no description available) un php-ast (no description available) un php-calendar (no description available) un php-cgi (no description available) un php-cli (no description available) ii php-common all Common files for PHP packages un php-crypt-gpg (no description available) un php-ctype (no description available) un php-curl (no description available) un php-dom (no description available) un php-exif (no description available) un php-fileinfo (no description available) un php-fpm (no description available) un php-ftp (no description available) un php-gd (no description available) un php-geoip (no description available) un php-gmagick (no description available) un php-iconv (no description available) un php-igbinary (no description available) un php-imagick (no description available) un php-json (no description available) un php-mbstring (no description available) un php-memcache (no description available) un php-memcached (no description available) un php-mongodb (no description available) un php-msgpack (no description available) un php-mysqli (no description available) un php-mysqlnd (no description available) un php-opcache (no description available) un php-pdo (no description available) un php-pdo-mysql (no description available) ii php-pear 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.21 all PEAR - PHP Extension and Application Repository un php-phar (no description available) un php-posix (no description available) un php-radius (no description available) un php-readline (no description available) un php-redis (no description available) un php-rrd (no description available) un php-shmop (no description available) un php-simplexml (no description available) un php-smbclient (no description available) un php-sockets (no description available) un php-ssh2 (no description available) un php-sysvmsg (no description available) un php-sysvsem (no description available) un php-sysvshm (no description available) un php-tokenizer (no description available) un php-uploadprogress (no description available) un php-uuid (no description available) un php-wddx (no description available) un php-xdebug (no description available) un php-xml (no description available) un php-xml-util (no description available) un php-xmlreader (no description available) un php-xmlwriter (no description available) un php-xsl (no description available) un php-zmq (no description available) un php4-pear (no description available) ii php5 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.22 all server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage) ii php5-cgi 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.22 amd64 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (CGI binary) ii php5-cli 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.22 amd64 command-line interpreter for the php5 scripting language ii php5-common 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.22 amd64 Common files for packages built from the php5 source ii php5-curl 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.22 amd64 CURL module for php5 un php5-dev (no description available) ii php5-fpm 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.22 amd64 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary) ii php5-gd 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.22 amd64 GD module for php5 un php5-idn (no description available) ii php5-intl 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.22 amd64 internationalisation module for php5 ii php5-json 1.3.2-2build1 amd64 JSON module for php5 ii php5-mcrypt 5.4.6-0ubuntu5 amd64 MCrypt module for php5 un php5-mhash (no description available) ii php5-mysql 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.22 amd64 MySQL module for php5 un php5-mysqli (no description available) un php5-mysqlnd (no description available) ii php5-readline 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.22 amd64 Readline module for php5 un php5-suhosin (no description available) un php5-user-cache (no description available) un php5-xcache (no description available) un php5-xdebug (no description available) un php5.6-calendar (no description available) ii php5.6-cli amd64 command-line interpreter for the PHP scripting language ii php5.6-common amd64 documentation, examples and common module for PHP un php5.6-ctype (no description available) un php5.6-exif (no description available) un php5.6-fileinfo (no description available) rc php5.6-fpm amd64 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary) un php5.6-ftp (no description available) un php5.6-gettext (no description available) un php5.6-iconv (no description available) ii php5.6-json amd64 JSON module for PHP ii php5.6-opcache amd64 Zend OpCache module for PHP un php5.6-pdo (no description available) un php5.6-phar (no description available) un php5.6-posix (no description available) ii php5.6-readline amd64 readline module for PHP un php5.6-shmop (no description available) un php5.6-sockets (no description available) un php5.6-sysvmsg (no description available) un php5.6-sysvsem (no description available) un php5.6-sysvshm (no description available) un php5.6-tokenizer (no description available) ii php7.0 all server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage) un php7.0-calendar (no description available) ii php7.0-cgi amd64 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (CGI binary) ii php7.0-cli amd64 command-line interpreter for the PHP scripting language ii php7.0-common amd64 documentation, examples and common module for PHP un php7.0-ctype (no description available) ii php7.0-curl amd64 CURL module for PHP un php7.0-dom (no description available) un php7.0-exif (no description available) un php7.0-fileinfo (no description available) ii php7.0-fpm amd64 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary) un php7.0-ftp (no description available) ii php7.0-gd amd64 GD module for PHP un php7.0-gettext (no description available) un php7.0-iconv (no description available) ii php7.0-json amd64 JSON module for PHP ii php7.0-mbstring amd64 MBSTRING module for PHP ii php7.0-mysql amd64 MySQL module for PHP un php7.0-mysqli (no description available) un php7.0-mysqlnd (no description available) ii php7.0-opcache amd64 Zend OpCache module for PHP un php7.0-pdo (no description available) un php7.0-pdo-mysql (no description available) un php7.0-phar (no description available) un php7.0-posix (no description available) ii php7.0-readline amd64 readline module for PHP un php7.0-shmop (no description available) un php7.0-simplexml (no description available) un php7.0-sockets (no description available) un php7.0-sysvmsg (no description available) un php7.0-sysvsem (no description available) un php7.0-sysvshm (no description available) un php7.0-tokenizer (no description available) un php7.0-wddx (no description available) ii php7.0-xml amd64 DOM, SimpleXML, WDDX, XML, and XSL module for PHP un php7.0-xmlreader (no description available) un php7.0-xmlwriter (no description available) un php7.0-xsl (no description available) ii php7.1 all server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage) un php7.1-calendar (no description available) un php7.1-cgi (no description available) ii php7.1-cli amd64 command-line interpreter for the PHP scripting language ii php7.1-common amd64 documentation, examples and common module for PHP un php7.1-ctype (no description available) ii php7.1-curl amd64 CURL module for PHP un php7.1-exif (no description available) un php7.1-fileinfo (no description available) ii php7.1-fpm amd64 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary) un php7.1-ftp (no description available) ii php7.1-gd amd64 GD module for PHP un php7.1-gettext (no description available) un php7.1-iconv (no description available) ii php7.1-json amd64 JSON module for PHP ii php7.1-mbstring amd64 MBSTRING module for PHP ii php7.1-opcache amd64 Zend OpCache module for PHP un php7.1-pdo (no description available) un php7.1-phar (no description available) un php7.1-posix (no description available) ii php7.1-readline amd64 readline module for PHP un php7.1-shmop (no description available) un php7.1-sockets (no description available) un php7.1-sysvmsg (no description available) un php7.1-sysvsem (no description available) un php7.1-sysvshm (no description available) un php7.1-tokenizer (no description available) un php7.2-calendar (no description available) ii php7.2-cli amd64 command-line interpreter for the PHP scripting language ii php7.2-common amd64 documentation, examples and common module for PHP un php7.2-ctype (no description available) un php7.2-exif (no description available) un php7.2-fileinfo (no description available) ii php7.2-fpm amd64 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary) un php7.2-ftp (no description available) un php7.2-gettext (no description available) un php7.2-iconv (no description available) ii php7.2-json amd64 JSON module for PHP ii php7.2-mbstring amd64 MBSTRING module for PHP ii php7.2-opcache amd64 Zend OpCache module for PHP un php7.2-pdo (no description available) un php7.2-phar (no description available) un php7.2-posix (no description available) ii php7.2-readline amd64 readline module for PHP un php7.2-shmop (no description available) un php7.2-sockets (no description available) un php7.2-sodium (no description available) un php7.2-sysvmsg (no description available) un php7.2-sysvsem (no description available) un php7.2-sysvshm (no description available) un php7.2-tokenizer (no description available) un phpapi-20121212 (no description available) un phpapi-20131226 (no description available) un phpapi-20151012 (no description available) un phpapi-20160303 (no description available) un phpapi-20170718 (no description available)
The server is running for 8 months approx.
Submitted by andreychek on Fri, 12/29/2017 - 10:13 Comment #7
Okay, my best guess as to what's going on, is that the standard Ubuntu PHP packages are somehow conflicting with the PHP packages from the ondrej PPA.
Though I'm not sure why that would be at the moment, as there's a lot of folks using that PPA, and we're not receiving other reports of the problem you're describing.
What output are you seeing if you go into System Settings -> Re-Check Config?
You mentioned about using FPM with PHP 7 though... you have several PHP 7 versions there, what you'd need to do is install the FPM package from the PHP version you wish to use.
To see all the available options, try running this command:
dpkg -l '*fpm*'
I believe that with PHP-FPM, you can only have one PHP version at a time on the server. So you'd only want one of those FPM packages installed.
Submitted by dfrm on Mon, 01/01/2018 - 03:08 Comment #8
We tried to install only 1 fpm even newer but then the php wasnt working at all
Submitted by andreychek on Tue, 01/02/2018 - 09:08 Comment #9
After installing that package, what issue were you seeing? If there was an error of some kind, what was the error?
And were there any errors showing up in the Apache error logs?
Submitted by dfrm on Fri, 01/05/2018 - 08:51 Comment #10
The php wouldnt start there were no errors
Submitted by andreychek on Fri, 01/05/2018 - 09:41 Comment #11
Ah, so in that case you were unable to start the PHP-FPM service?
What error did you receive while trying to start that?
There should be error logs in either /var/log/apache2/error_log or /var/log/syslog for that service.