Webmin 1.870 released

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#1 Sat, 12/09/2017 - 00:31
Joe's picture

Webmin 1.870 released

Howdy all,

Webmin 1.870 has been rolled into the Virtualmin repositories.

Changes since 1.860:

  • Major updates to the Authentic theme to speed up page loads and add real-time system statistics.
  • Greek, Bulgarian, Catalan and Russian translation updates and encoding fixes.
  • Several fixes for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate requests.
  • UI cleanups in the Majordomo module.
  • UI unification in the IPv4 and IPv6 firewall modules.
  • Numerous fixes for minor Perl error and warnings.

This is a very large update of the Authentic theme, which likely introduces fun new bugs (we've fixed all the ones we've found over the past couple of months of beta testing, but Webmin is huge), so we need y'all to let us know when you run into UI problems. Specifically, there's a common class of bug where buttons don't work on Webmin pages that have oddly nested forms.

This also includes some fixes for Let's Encrypt issues; in particular, LE has changed their user agreement, and Webmin's LE client needed an update to point to the right place.

And, if you use the Webmin iptables firewall (module name Linux Firewall), there may be some minor changes, as the ipv4 and ipv6 modules have been merged into one (the same functionality is present, it's just they share code directly rather than being copy-pasted into the ipv6 module with minor tweaks as it used to be).

As always, let us know about any problems you run into.

Edit: Let us know about problems by filing bugs in the issue tracker! Jamie and Ilia don't monitor the forums religiously, and they're mostly the folks who need to be notified of problems.



Sat, 12/09/2017 - 03:45

after update 1.870 IPv6 Firewall

Change IP protocol version: IPv4 /etc/iptables.up.rules

External managed rules detected. Activate "Directly edit firewall rules" or your firewall rules may break. Warning! It appears that FirewallD is being used to generate your system's firewall. Maybe you should use the FirewallD module instead.

Change IP protocol version: IPv6 /etc/ip6tables.up.rules

External managed rules detected. Activate "Directly edit firewall rules" or your firewall rules may break. Warning! It appears that FirewallD is being used to generate your system's firewall. Maybe you should use the FirewallD module instead. WARNING! Your current IPtables configuration is invalid : iptables-restore v1.6.0: Couldn't load match `icmp6':No such file or directory Error occurred at line: 95

Sat, 12/09/2017 - 12:34 (Reply to #2)
Joe's picture

There are multiple things happening here...but, the firewalld detection isn't new. Are you saying the old version didn't warn you about firewalld being in use? Anyway, it's not a bug, unless you don't have firewalld enabled on the system.

The other bit looks like a configuration problem; that error is coming from iptables-restore and not from Webmin itself. In both cases I think this is not new behavior, and not related to the changes in the iptables module, AFAIK.


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Sat, 12/09/2017 - 10:09

Thanks for the update. Authentic theme works very very well now. I want to report bug with UI

After 1.70 update, when I click on "?" button (for help) on any line (field) under "Virtualmin > System Settings > Virtualmin Configuration" section, it forwards to internal help page instead of popping up little bubble help window. Would be great if you could fix it

Also, I couldn't find button to refresh System Information on Webmin default main page. That button was very handy, could you please let us know the new way to refresh sysinfo?

Sat, 12/09/2017 - 12:39 (Reply to #4)
Joe's picture

Good catch. Those links are generated differently, so I guess Ilia didn't catch this one. It may have been introduced recently when he made the Virtualmin config page show up in sections again (it had been all one page for a while in Authentic).

I've opened a ticket in the Authentic issue tracker here: https://github.com/qooob/authentic-theme/issues/923


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Sat, 12/09/2017 - 11:38

I get the following error after updating to Webmin 1.870 and attempting to renew a Let's Encrypt certificate:

Hook command "/etc/webmin/webmin/letsencrypt-dns.pl" returned error code 1 Error output from letsencrypt-dns.pl: Error: Script was not run with full path (failed to find /letsencrypt-dns.pl under /usr/libexec/webmin)

Is this just another bug or something wrong with my Webmin installation individually?

Sat, 12/09/2017 - 14:14 (Reply to #6)
Joe's picture

What's your distro and version? That looks like it could plausibly be a bug (paths are an area that required a lot of changes for the new single page app model, because the path of every request is now relative to / rather than /module-name/), but I can't reproduce it. I'm able to renew LE certs on my test systems.

Can you make sure Webmin has been restarted? (service webmin restart will do that on most systems)


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Sat, 12/09/2017 - 14:15

I restarted Webmin a few times via "systemctl restart Webmin" on my CentOS 7 system, I even killed all the Webmin processes and then restarted, but I still get the same error.

Sat, 12/09/2017 - 14:24

I think there is a bug in Webmin 1.870! Related to Cloudmin GPL specifically...

I updated my server earlier today and had this same issue... and then I killed my server and had to reinstall everything (was looking for an excuse to do so anyway)...

Just reinstalled everything and now this...

When I installed Cloudmin GPL, it comes up in the dashboard as"9.3.kvm Pro" It also doesn't give me ANY of the actual Cloudmin menu options on the left. It only shows "System Information" and "System Statistics"

I think something is seriously wrong with the recently updated Webmin (version 1.870 is what I have installed, along with Cloudmin 9.3.kvm)

Followed the instructions here: http://webmin.com/cinstall-kvm.html

Sat, 12/09/2017 - 15:09 (Reply to #9)

It appears as though it might just be an issue with the "Authentic Theme" that is causing Cloudmin GPL to fail.

When I switched Webmin theme to "Old Webmin Theme", I am able to see all the Cloudmin Menu options... so something in the Authentic Theme code is messing with the GPL vs Pro license check... or something.

Mon, 12/11/2017 - 16:48 (Reply to #10)
Joe's picture

Hmm..I haven't installed it for any of our Cloudmin hosts yet, and I don't think it's been rolled into the Cloudmin repos for that reason that it's seen a lot less testing. I'll test today. Ilia has Cloudmin on his dev machines, so I'm surprised it's completely borked for Cloudmin, but I'm not surprised it has some unnoticed bugs (since it hasn't gotten as much testing as we'd like).


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Sat, 12/09/2017 - 22:57

Hi! :) Is there any update on the "script was not run with full path" error I posted earlier today? I am unable to renew my Let's Encrypt certificates now because of this error, at least when DNS validation is run. When Web validation is run, the script also fails because it seems Virtualmin is not automatically removing the HTTPS redirect or whatever like it's supposed to do (I read that somewhere) before the renewal is attempted, thus the renewal fails. If I remove all the Website redirects (Virtualmin > domain.com > Server Configuration > Website Redirects), including the default one Virtualmin adds that redirects /(?!.well-known) then the Web validation works.

I am running Webmin 1.870 on CentOS 7 with Virtualmin 6.02, and no package updates are reported.

Mon, 12/11/2017 - 16:50 (Reply to #12)
Joe's picture

I've been unable to reproduce this problem on my systems. I'll try to poke at it some more.

I don't know if we've had other reports of this specific issue, so we may need to look at your system to figure this out.


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Mon, 12/11/2017 - 03:31

after latest 1.870 update, usermin(1.720) only shows left menu column (menu being unresponsive), blank on the right. changing theme and everything works as expected. authentic theme version 19.04. will also file a bug there, just wanted to see if other people face the same issue.

edit] ticket : https://github.com/qooob/authentic-theme/issues/936

Mon, 12/11/2017 - 08:52 (Reply to #14)

I had the same issue with Cloudmin 9.3.kvm GPL

Switching theme to "Old Webmin" fixed it... then after rebooting the server, I was actually able to switch it to "Authentic Theme" (19.04) and everything appears to be working again as expected.

Mon, 12/11/2017 - 08:56

yes, also a simple webmin and usermin service restart will fix that as well: service webmin restart && service usermin restart

Mon, 12/11/2017 - 16:51 (Reply to #16)
Joe's picture

I've noticed something is wrong with Webmin/Usermin restarts on systemd systems, though I don't know what it is; restarting the Webmin/Usermin daemons doesn't seem to work reliably. I'm looking into it.


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Mon, 12/11/2017 - 17:45
Diabolico's picture

C'on Joe, looks like someone stop testing stuff before they go live - here is new/old one:

Case 1: Authentic theme settings - Default pages:

Default tab after logging in to Webmin - Webmin
Default module for Webmin - empty
Default page for Virtualmin - empty
Default tab after logging in to Usermin - Usermin

After successful login i'm prompted with Usermin (def. tab Usermin).

Case 2: Authentic theme settings - Default pages:

Default tab after logging in to Webmin - Webmin
Default module for Webmin - empty
Default page for Virtualmin - empty
Default tab after logging in to Usermin - Mail

After successful login i'm prompted with:

Corrupted Content Error
The site at https://mydomain.com:XXXXX/ has experienced a network protocol violation that cannot be repaired.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because an error in the data transmission was detected.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

This is what i have in Usermin logs:

readline() on closed filehandle $ADDRESS at /usr/libexec/usermin/mailbox/mailbox-lib.pl line 166.
Use of uninitialized value in split at /usr/libexec/usermin/mailbox/mailbox-lib.pl line 600.
Use of uninitialized value $file in substitution (s///) at /usr/libexec/usermin/mailbox/mailbox-lib.pl line 667.
Use of uninitialized value $file in substitution (s///) at /usr/libexec/usermin/mailbox/mailbox-lib.pl line 668.
Use of uninitialized value $file in substitution (s///) at /usr/libexec/usermin/mailbox/mailbox-lib.pl line 670.
Use of uninitialized value $mailbox::config{"server_name"} in string eq at /usr/libexec/usermin/mailbox/mailbox-lib.pl line 1323.
Use of uninitialized value $mailbox::config{"server_name"} in string eq at /usr/libexec/usermin/mailbox/mailbox-lib.pl line 1335.
Use of uninitialized value $mailbox::config{"server_name"} in string eq at /usr/libexec/usermin/mailbox/mailbox-lib.pl line 1335.

Reloading the page will remove this error and open Usermin but the default tab didnt change and Usermin tab will be first to show up.

If i move back Default tab after logging in to Usermin to Usermin the problem is gone. Tested with FF with clean cache and private window/browsing - nothing changed.

- I often come to the conclusion that my brain has too many tabs open. -
Failing at desktop publishing & graphic design since 1994.

Thu, 12/14/2017 - 14:29 (Reply to #18)
Joe's picture

I haven't seen the "corrupted content" thing. I'm guessing that means Usermin was killed by the OOM killer in the middle of the request. That's just a wild guess, though. Try restarting it, and make sure you've got plenty of free memory (and if not, add either a swap file or swap partition). But, I doubt it's just a different expression of a problem that you've always had. Because new theme version loads pages via a JavaScript call rather than loading it into a frame, it will cause problems like this to look different. In the past it might have been a timeout or half-loaded page instead of this particular error.

There uninitialized value warnings are being fixed as we find them. They come from turning on strict/warnings in Perl, which helps us find bugs, but also makes it quite chattery with a lot of these warnings for code that hasn't been updated yet to be compliant with strict and warnings. They are usually harmless.

The "readline() on closed filehandle" might actually indicate a real bug, though. I'll have to see if I can reproduce that.


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Mon, 12/11/2017 - 18:35
jbatun21564065's picture

In this new deploy, the visual part, it looks good, but as far as I'm concerned this bug marks me, I've opened a thread in this direction, but you can help me. Thank you https://www.virtualmin.com/node/54642

Mon, 12/11/2017 - 18:44

Please feel free to look at my system if you believe that would more quickly allow you to remedy this issue. I am currently unable to renew Let's Encrypt certificates without a lot of extra steps when Virtualmin has been amazing up until now about automating the process for me. Who should I e-mail SSH login details to? Thanks!

Mon, 12/11/2017 - 18:57

I just updated to 1.870, and Virtualmin is telling my the system doesn't support IPv6. Every virtual host that was created before the update to 1.870, that is used has an IPv6 address, and can be reached using that address.

Thu, 12/14/2017 - 14:45 (Reply to #22)
Joe's picture

That's a weird one. I didn't even know we'd made changes to the IPv6 detection. Is there a ticket about it in the issue tracker here or github yet? If not, we should open one up, as Jamie will need to answer this one (I'm not super familiar with the IPv6 code).


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Tue, 12/12/2017 - 01:05

I would like to report that, after updating to new Webmin, CPU usage goes high for no reason (20-35%). I know that it's not that much, but my server has 24 cores and with all main components (postfix/dovecot/apache/bind/clamAV/spamassassin/proftpd/mysql) enabled, it was showing 0% CPU usage (more than 14 months). So average 30% usage is so huge for stable system like this. I would like to know why it's acting like this

Wed, 12/13/2017 - 22:34 (Reply to #24)
Joe's picture

Does your system have swap memory configured? If not, this is a known bug; if you force an update of the theme in the Theme Options page, it'll fix it.

If your system does have swap configured, then the problem is something else. We'll need to troubleshoot further.


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Thu, 12/14/2017 - 01:19 (Reply to #25)

Thanks Joe, I didn't have swap, so the method u said fixed my problem. Now I want to report 2 another problems which really most annoying among all the issues I mentioned before: 1. When I open webmin or virtualmin with ip.address:10000, it directly goes to the last page I was on my latest session instead of going to home page (which makes me really mad, because once I closed my browser after creating virtual server, so when I did open virtualmin after several hours, it tried to create same virtual server again and gave the error like "u already have server with this name). It's really annoying to see last process being repeated after relogging to webmin/virtualmin 2. When I restart any service (for example apache or postfix) from home page of Webmin under "Server Status", service gets restarted, but page not loading back to home like it was at 1.860 (left panel stays normal, but right window goes completely blank instead of displaying home page)

And, I want a little information from you, Joe. I changed my real-time system information update delay to 60 sec. when I set my system up (I was refreshing it every time manually to see current status), but after 14 months, today I decided to make it 1 sec again, and now I see that if I send an email, or log in to webmin/virtualmin on 2nd page, or just open 4-5MB webpage that hosted on my system, immediately CPU goes up to 5-20%. I managed to see what process makes it go high, and it's "/usr/libexec/webmin/authentic-theme/stats.cgi". So I just want to know, will it go higher if 5000 connection comes my website at the same time, or is that just a status check process, which takes 5-20% CPU regardless what it's checking? [I'm very very sorry for stupid question]

Thu, 12/14/2017 - 18:11 (Reply to #26)
Joe's picture

Real-time information is new in this version of the theme. It's only been around for a couple of weeks in the development branch of Authentic, so I think you might be thinking of another option (we also collect data for Virtualmin and the system, including available software updates, bandwidth usage, etc. which happens every five minutes by default...and probably should never go below that because it's quite resource-intensive).

So I just want to know, will it go higher if 5000 connection comes my website at the same time,

Your website has nothing to do with stats.cgi usage. It is polled only for active Webmin logins; so, unless you have 5000 Webmin (or Virtualmin/Cloudmin) users logged in at once and they all have realtimes stats access, you'll never have 5000 clients accessing stats.cgi. For most installations, there will only be one or two active connections, specifically whatever root/administrator logins that are open.


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Fri, 12/15/2017 - 03:07 (Reply to #27)

ok Joe, but this it directly goes to the last page I was on my latest session instead of going to home page is annoying

please, when I recall the bookmark eg. https://domain.com:10000/?virtualmin it always has to go to System Information (sysinfo.cgi)


Sat, 12/16/2017 - 18:48 (Reply to #28)
Joe's picture

Yeah, I think this is a new feature of the theme; which I think was meant to be an improvement, but I think maybe it's not so nice. I almost never want to return to the page I was on before...I usually finish what I'm doing before I close Virtualmin tab, and so this recall is just confusing.


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Tue, 12/12/2017 - 03:17

spamassassin and clamav are resource hogs. Have you tried running top or any other diagnostic tools to see what is using the cpu?

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