How to automatically set a default index.html page for all new virtualmin virtual server templates

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#1 Sun, 10/15/2017 - 06:42

How to automatically set a default index.html page for all new virtualmin virtual server templates

Whenever I create a new virtual server Its html directory is blank...I would like a default page for all new virtual servers to be automatic. I have selected the ssl website option but still end up with empty directory.

user/public_html/ is empty after creation of virtualmin virtual server. I want it to contain index.html automatically.

Sun, 10/15/2017 - 14:57
Joe's picture

Add it to /etc/skel (or whatever skeleton directory you've defined in Server Templates, I believe it is /etc/skel, by default).

e.g. create a file in /etc/skel/public_html/index.html and it'll show up in every new virtual server. That's true of any file you want to appear for new virtual server owners.


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