Hi, since the last time I was here I decided to change my OS (I'm experimenting different OS to see the performance), now I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 (Xerial), anyway I was configuring my server, and I had my whole content backed up from my old debian system, and for some reason whenever I tried to access my websites, they all redirected to my main website (which pinpoints to the ip), so I updated the system and I rebooted everything, but I found out I might have a problem with apache, when I started it it gave me the following error:
Starting apache2 (via systemctl): apache2.serviceJob for apache2.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status apache2.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. failed!
So I decided to do a few tests, I found out some errors that I don't know how to solve.
Could you help me out?
It looks like the issue is related to this error here:
Invalid command 'php_admin_value', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
The "php_admin_value" lines are part of mod_php, but that module isn't enabled by default on new installations.
My suggestion would be to edit the config file mentioned in your output there, and to comment out the line beginning with "php_admin_value".
Alternatively, you could also install/enable mod_php, though doing so uses more resources on your server.
I agree with Eric in this, also keep in mind that ubuntu is modified very heavily to make it works under its own ubuntu structure. It all depends what OS you have been using keeps in tact of opensource licenses and work with original releases of the software - and ubuntu is one of great examples in this.. to explain this a bit better, ubuntu is debian based yet it does work totally differently in things when it comes to server related things and even desktops from debian. You could read official docs from ubuntu or search somewhere else but generally ubuntu does work a bit different then any other debian based distro. It means that ubuntu will be not compatible with most of debian and debian will not be compatible with most of ubuntu.. If I am you, I would modify those config files to match up your current distro as Eric suggested or change the distro it self. Ubuntu provides huge resources regards the configs, and you should be very fine to found them on google plus virtualmin does support ubuntu as prime os, on other hand debian provides this same, however its bit harder to found this on google as content is optimized for search engines in very old style.. - you did not said what distro you was before and perhaps that info could be an helpful and you could avoid all those issues ;)
anyway your system is telling you what the exact problem is:
Starting apache2 (via systemctl): apache2.serviceJob for apache2.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status apache2.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. failed!
- just open terminal and see what the issue is.. most of the times terminal will tell you and its easy to get troubleshoot this as 1.2.3....Configuring/troubleshooting Debian servers is always great fun
Well I cross posted this on stack overflow, because now I'm having a strange php problem:
Basically every php file I have is downloaded instead of being run (I installed mod php)
Edit: It is on the post, but I had debian before.
Run the following:
# virtualmin config-system --include Apache
When you install mod_php it enables the module for everything, which breaks mod_fcgid execution mode by injecting unnecessary handlers. If you're not using mod_php I wouldn't have recommended you install it. It's not necessary...just removing those config directives is a better choice.
Check out the forum guidelines!
Hi Joe, I did a fresh install of the virtualmin with the same ubuntu, but I have a problem, all my websites after backup, redirect to the same website.
I have 3 domains:
animu.pt (the main one)
and yat.pm
For some reason every time I try to visit my websites, the page for animu.pt appears. I guess it is something about apache so I reused this thread, do you have any idea?
Don't re-use threads for new issues. This is a different issue with a different solution.
This is probably one of several "The wrong site shows up" problems, mostly related to "default" sites or incorrect network address configuration in Virtualmin for some of your hosts.
So, check your Apache configuration for
in VirtualHost sections. Make sure the default sites (000-default.conf
on Debian/Ubuntu) are disabled. We disable them during installation, but it seems like it's possible for them to be brought back by some kinds of (manual) update and package installations.You can just run:
# a2dissite 000-default.conf
# a2dissite default-ssl.conf
If you want to be sure they're off (you can also just look in
to make sure they aren't listed).--
Check out the forum guidelines!
Hello, it says both .conf are already disabled, but when i try to see the sites I see this:
So do i remove the lines with sites from the file?
Check them for IP:80 vs. *:80 mismatches, or IP:443 vs. *:443 mismatches. That's nearly always the source of the wrong site showing up.
Check out the forum guidelines!