Scheduled backup fails

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#1 Mon, 07/17/2017 - 13:56

Scheduled backup fails

I have created a scheduled backup. It was working fine but now I have a problem while 3 virtual server backups are uploaded via FTP to another server. All another virtual servers backups successfully. There is a problem just with these 3 (they are the biggest ones, each server backup is about 10 Gb). Here is the backup log:

Backup failed! See the progress output above for the reason why. Total backup time was 9 hours, 58:21 minutes. Virtual servers that failed : xxx.xx yyy.yy zzz.zz Sent by Virtualmin at: https://xxxxx.yyy:10000 .......... Uploading archive to FTP server .. upload failed! initial connection failed : ransfer complete

.. completed in 2 hours, 13:23 minutes .........

Archive with a backup is created on FTP server (.tar.gz) and I can download and extract files from there, but no other files are created (.tar.gz.dom and A backup log is strange: there is "failed" and "complete" words at the same time and no letter "T" in "Transfer complete" words, just "ransfer complete". Is it a bug?

Mon, 07/17/2017 - 14:09

I noticed that backup process uploads .tar.gz file 3 times. It transfers 100% and starts upload again with archive file overwriting.

Mon, 07/17/2017 - 16:07

Can you ftp to the receiving server? Does it have enough disk space?

Mon, 07/17/2017 - 16:08 (Reply to #3)

Yes, there are much space available. The backups are making every day. No problem with space.

Wed, 07/19/2017 - 04:57

I have tried to make a backup to another FTP server. All was completed successfully. Problem FTP server runs Proftpd.

Wed, 07/19/2017 - 11:33

I configured Proftpd with such params: "AllowStoreRestart on" "AllowRetrieveRestart on" and it doesn't helped.

Backup file is uploading to 100% and upload starts from the beggining, This repeates 3 times and then error.

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