My license did not renew - and has now expired!!!


Can you please fix my license, it has expired! The license did not renew. I have added a valid card. Why have you removed the possibility to renew manually?

Best regards, Leffe

Closed (fixed)



No, it looks like they should "auto renew". We have been using Virtualmin Pro for 12 years and has always renewed manually - but since a year or two the only way is "auto renew".

For me it's really strange to remove the possibility to pay the license manually, there are lots of companies that don't allow business card stored on file for "auto renew".


It is no longer possible to manually renew licenses - unfortunately! And the license should have auto renewed but has not done that, so our license has now expired!


Hi Blueforce -- we're here to help!

First off, nothing bad will happen if your license expires for a bit, Virtualmin will continue to function.

Licenses purchased prior to 2016 can't automatically renew. What you'd want to do is purchase a new license, and then apply that to your server by running this command:

virtualmin change-license --serial SERIAL_NUM --key KEY

Once you do that, your server will be running your new license.

Feel free to let us know if you have any questions on that process!

Hi Eric,

I bought a new license and have added the serial and key so everything is ok now. But I have a question regarding the renewal for next year, the card I added a few weeks ago and used for this purchase, this cart is only valid for one purchase (a one time use virtual MasterCard) so its no longer valid. What happens next year if I forget to generate and add a new virtual card, will I get reminded and will the renewal finish when I add the card? I don't think I will forget but it's good to know how things work.

Regards, Leffe

@Blueforce, yes if you don't add a new card, you'll receive an email message that the system wasn't able to charge your card.

You can then add a new card, and the system will automatically charge it when it sees it's available.

Similar to how things work now, if the license were to expire for some reason, Virtualmin will continue to work, what would stop working is the ability to get new updates.

Feel free to let us know if you have any additional questions!

@TSC, your initial license was purchased prior to 2016, so you'd have to do the same thing as blueforce did -- you'd purchase a new license, and apply it to your server. If you have any additional questions on that, we'd suggest opening up a new request and then we can go over the specifics of your license with you there. Thanks!

Thanks Eric,

Now I know how it works, and I'll most certainly will add the card before this license year ends. I'm very happy with your help and in my opinion everything is fixed.


Status: Active » Fixed
Status: Fixed » Closed (fixed)

Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.