Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server


I have a urgent questions today

1) try to create a new ftp account for my support but fail while doing a testing please see screenschoot below




Howdy -- it looks like your account there is setup as FTP only... that's actually different than SFTP.

Try enabling SSH for that account, or set the shell to /bin/bash, and then attempt logging in again.

Alternatively, if you try logging in using FTP, that should work as well.

cause I am using linode all ftp is sftp

can you further advise how to do it in virtualmin panel for that user

Many Thanks Andy

You can use FTP or SFTP on a server at Linode, I have a server there and do both with it.

However, it's no problem to enable SSH access on your user... to do that, click "Edit Users", click the username, choose "Other Permissions", and then change the "Login Permission" to include "SSH".

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Sun, 06/18/2017 - 17:24 Pro Licensee

Note there's also FTPS, which is FTP over SSL. That can be enabled for ProFTPd, if you don't want to enable ssh logins for the user.