403 error - can not load main page

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#1 Wed, 04/05/2017 - 19:04

403 error - can not load main page


I was working with a website on a server that I set up by using Webmin only.

This allowed me to host files on a virtual server in the root directory.

To repair a problem with ftp, I set up the site with Virtualmin — because why not?: virtual host, virtual admin — makes sense, right? :-)

To make a long story short, all of my addresses immediately began serving up 403 Forbidden errors.

Which error log should I use to accurately troubleshoot this? (Do I merely make a change to "Edit Directives" to fix this?)

Your advice would be most appreciated!

Thanking you in advance.

Thu, 04/06/2017 - 09:51

Checking the /etc/httpd/logs/error_log file shows me that access from my own server (me, trying to test the html) results in these errors:

(13)Permission denied: access to /index.php denied
(13)Permission denied: access to /index.html denied
(13)Permission denied: access to /index.html.var denied

I should also note that the sftp is working just fine.

There are other IPs attempting access, and these errors are thrown:

Invalid method in request \x16\x03\x01\x01"\x01

Is there anything else I should check?

Thu, 04/06/2017 - 13:45

Holy Judas! This all turned out to be a permissions error. I followed the breadcrumbs from here and got things back online.

Let me know if you see anything wrong with the recommended method (in a Virtualmin context). Otherwise I am content.

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