I keep getting the same error "Failed to create system : Failed to allocate an IP address on xxxx.com from the range" when trying to create a VM. I have each Xen host set to use the blocks set up under IP Addresses. I've been manually assigning IPs for some time now but would rather figure this out.
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sat, 03/25/2017 - 19:33 Comment #1
Check the page at Host Systems -> IP Addresses ... it will show you all the IP ranges and for each address what it is used by. From the error, it sounds like they are all in use.
Not even close to being used up. 30 or so vacant.
Sent you directly the list showing you just how many there are.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sun, 03/26/2017 - 00:55 Comment #4
If you ping any of those that are shown as free, do you get a response back?
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sun, 03/26/2017 - 01:14 Comment #6
Wait ... in the original error, is that the full error message? Because it seems truncated - there should be something after "range".
That was all of it. Feel free to log into the CM Master and try to create a VM. You can see the error exactly.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Mon, 03/27/2017 - 01:31 Comment #8
Make sure that on the Xen or KVM Host page, that an IP range is selected - it sounds like one is missing.
I did all that before submitting the ticket. All hosts are configured the same way. Did you log into the CM Master and look? They're all set up per the book.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Mon, 03/27/2017 - 16:01 Comment #10
Sure ... what are the IP and credentials?
Same you've used all this time. I'll resend via email.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Mon, 03/27/2017 - 22:58 Comment #12
I had a look at your system, and the IP ranges look correct at first glance. Which type of VM were you trying to create, and on which host system?
Any kind of VM whether a CM image or an empty image all have the same same issue. Most recently was a CentOS 7 image. All hosts produce the same error. All servers are doing Xen.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Tue, 03/28/2017 - 10:02 Comment #14
I think I see what it could be - which bridge are you selecting at VM creation time? If it's
, there don't appear to be any IP ranges assigned to it.I only recently tried adding that br1. It has never assigned IPs. It's only an issue right now because I have a client who is trying to create virtual machines and cannot because of this issue. A poncho now, I have just manually I signed it because I didn't want to deal with it.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Tue, 03/28/2017 - 22:57 Comment #16
Do you mind if I try to create a VM, and if so on which host?
By all means, please do so. Any host you like. They are configured exactly the same.
Any luck?
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sun, 04/02/2017 - 00:57 Comment #19
Ok, I was able to fix this by selecting your br0 and br1 bridges on each of the host pages under Xen Host Systems.
Your original config should work though - I will fix this in the next release.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sun, 04/02/2017 - 00:57 Comment #20
Submitted by IssueBot on Sun, 04/16/2017 - 01:07 Comment #21
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.