Hi there,
When I login to virtualmin.com it always says that the password is wrong. So I reset the password with the forgotten password tool. Then click the link in the email and I am in. if I set the password to something (even really simple), the next time I login, it won't work. So I have to use the forgotten password tool again.
Thanks for your help!
Submitted by andreychek on Wed, 03/08/2017 - 08:57 Comment #1
Howdy -- yikes, that's pretty odd!
We haven't heard of other reports of anything like that, so it might be something specific to your account.
I'll pass this along to Joe so that he can take a closer look.
Submitted by andreychek on Wed, 03/08/2017 - 08:58 Comment #2
Haha yeah it's pretty strange, it hasn't bothered me too much to be honest, it's just like accidental 2fa! Would be ideal if it was fixed though!
Any updates on this one?
This is the first I've ever heard of someone having this problem! Looking over your account, there's nothing out of the ordinary there; it shows up as active and verified. There's no reason I can see for it to demand a new password.
What OS/browser/version are you using?
Ubuntu 16.04.1 / Chrome 56.0.2924.87 (64-bit)
But I don't think it is a browser issue because the same thing used to happen on my old Macbook. I have also tried to reset the password in incognito mode so no plugins.
My theory is that the old password is xxxxx and we lost it, so we used the forgotten password tool, which let us get back in and set it to yyyyy but the new password didn't/won't actually save so we are stuck with xxxxx. The only way to get in is to follow the forgotten password tool.
Please feel free to try it yourself, if possible, and reset our password. Also, I would be happy to forward you the password reset link so you can try it yourself.
That's a pretty good theory, though no one has reported it (and I tested password resets when we launched the new site, but I would definitely be willing to believe Drupal has broken in ways I don't know about since the initial launch).
I'm going to reset your password, and email it to you, so this stops being an issue for you (I hope!), and then I'll spend more time sorting out what might be causing it. Let me know if you have trouble setting a new password once logged in with the temporary one I send along.
Hi Joe,
I wasn't expecting such a fast response, due to timezones i think, usually takes just less than a day.
Anyway, I reset the password myself (to get in) before I realised you had done this. Could you try it again please? And I will let you know if it works.
OK, just sent a new one. Holler if this doesn't get it sorted out, and I'll do some experiments to see if I can reproduce it.
Hi Joe,
Unfortunately the password didn't work. Tried in Chrome incognito mode and in Firefox Private Browsing mode. Then used the same email, reset the password and logged in via link.