getting this error massage and i have no ideal how to clear. the domain was delete over a year ago
Current logrotate configuration is not valid :
error: stat of /home/xxxxxxxx/domains/ failed: No such file or directory
. This must be fixed, or log file rotation will not be done.
.. your system is not ready for use by Virtualmin.
thank you for any help
Operating system CentOS Linux 5.5 Perl version 5.008008 Path to Perl /usr/bin/perl Postfix version 2.3.3 Mail injection command /usr/lib/sendmail -t BIND version 9.3.6 Apache version 2.2.3 PHP version 5.2.11 Webalizer version 2.01-10 Logrotate version 3.7.4 MySQL version 5.0.77 ProFTPd version 1.30 SpamAssasssin version 3.2.5 ClamAV version 0.96
Some part of that domain's data may be remaining in the /etc/logrotate.conf for some reason.
If that domain was deleted, my suggestion would be to edit /etc/logrotate.conf, and to remove the block associated with that domain.
For my Ubutnu 14.04.5 it was an error in the same directory /etc/.. .. 2 files left over from an old domain like I had purged virtualmin and webmin from an install the did not install Pro or my license. That or I was from trying ISPconfig, but that never would work at all. I had nucke'd the files ispconfig* but even with 8 cores and 32Gig's or RAM a 'search in files' locked up the system at some point some some probably got missed. It was not until later I learned it only would work on a ubuntu-desktop install and not a ubuntu-server install, per the developer post reply.