Loading cPanel ?

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#1 Wed, 03/15/2017 - 11:16
dave.fethiye@gmail.com's picture

Loading cPanel ?

Hi, I use Webmin and VirtualMin to admin my server but someone is going to use one of the Domians and has asked me to put cPanel on for him. Do you know if I can have cPanel and Webmin/VirtualMin runningon the server together. Is cPanel a "paid for" s/w ? I looked at the scripts to install list but cPanel was not on it. Can I put cPanel on for just one virtual server ? ( doesn't seem logical to me ) Many thanks.

Wed, 03/15/2017 - 12:54
unborn's picture

hi dave,

yes cpanel is not free and I would recommend you to tell that user that your use virtualmin as your control panel. I would not recommend you to use cpanel at all. I think its not even possible to use that cpanel with virtualmin together perhaps I could be wrong on this. Virtualmin is great replacement for cpanel.

Configuring/troubleshooting Debian servers is always great fun

Wed, 03/15/2017 - 13:49
Joe's picture

Virtualmin and cPanel are both web hosting control panels, and they both require pretty much full access to the system. It would not be possible to run both cPanel and Virtualmin on the same system...they would overwrite each others configuration (Virtualmin would handle that more gracefully than cPanel, but neither would be happy).

You might just want to find out what they plan to use cPanel for. Virtualmin probably can do it for them. Maybe better (we try to do things better, anyway). You can also import cPanel backups into Virtualmin (look in the Migrate menu) for that option; so if they want cPanel just so they can copy an existing website to your server, then you can do that with Virtualmin. No cPanel required.


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Wed, 03/15/2017 - 14:54
dave.fethiye@gmail.com's picture

Thanks for answering so clearly I have sent him your response !!


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