These forums are locked and archived, but all topics have been migrated to the new forum. You can search for this topic on the new forum: Search for Letsencrypt cannot auto-renew when site behind Cloudflare? on the new forum.
I have a site which I put an SSL certificate from Letsencrypt. I then moved the site to be behind Cloudflare's systems so basically when someone visits the site it is served from an IP of Cloudflare (proxy). So far all OK. When the auto-renewal however comes for the certificate it fails because Letsencrypt does not match the server making the request and the actual IP serving the domain.
Is there anything that can be done to fix this so it works without having to remove Cloudflare from the equation when the certificate needs to be renewed?
Any help is much appreciated!
Based on what CF have to say - if Vm dont have an option for different method of validation (like DNS or HTTP) you will never be able to validate your certificate. So only option is to do it manually, e.g. not using Vm for this job.
More info:
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