Howdy all,
CentOS just rolled a new CentOS 7 release (based on RHEL 7.3), so you'll probably see a bunch of new packages pop up in your available updates list. This is no reason for alarm, though it's probably something you should install when you have time to check for problems (except security updates; you should always install those immediately). It is a minor release, and thus should not break compatibility in any way, and all of the versions of applications stay the same, so you don't need to do serious testing, but any time there's a couple hundred new packages, it's worth poking around to make sure it didn't cause problems.
This doesn't really have anything to do with Virtualmin, but you'll see it in the available updates within Virtualmin and we've gotten questions about it, so I figured I'd mention it here.
Here's the announce post from the CentOS mailing list with more details:
Why Virtualmin say its CentOS Linux 7.2.1511 while with this update it should be CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611?
- I often come to the conclusion that my brain has too many tabs open. -
Failing at desktop publishing & graphic design since 1994.
Virtualmin detects OS version on installation, and occasionally after that (probably on restart...I'm not sure). I think you can also tell it to re-detect the OS version somewhere in Webmin (yep: Webmin->Webmin Configuration->OS and Environment). It'll pick up the new version on its own soon, though, I'm sure (all of my boxes have already switched and I updated a day or two ago).
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Speaking of Webmin, any ETA on version 2.0?
- I often come to the conclusion that my brain has too many tabs open. -
Failing at desktop publishing & graphic design since 1994.
Nothing concrete. We kinda had a vague plan, but other stuff has pushed it back by a few months. Virtualmin 6 will come before Webmin 2. Cloudmin 10 probably will, too. But, it'll definitely happen in 2017.
We still need and welcome help with the Webmin 2.0 prep work! There's so much drudgery to getting Webmin ready to branch. It needs strict/warnings enabled (and the code modified to compile with strict/warnings enabled), and it really ought to have unit tests for every module that we're keeping (we'll be pruning a significant number of modules out of the core distribution for 2.0, and only porting the ones that are currently relevant to a lot of people).
I just fixed a bunch of major Drupal issues that have been plaguing my nightmares ever since we moved to D7, so I'm able to get back to our own stuff instead of the website code. But, I'm also focused on Virtualmin 6, until it's released.
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Centos 7.3 broke my StripePay payment module in my ZenCart.
That's surprising (as CentOS keeps the same versions of stuff). If you want to post what error messages you see in the logs in a new forum post, someone might be able to help sort it out. Could just be a dependency or something; particularly if you have any third party yum repositories other than the Virtualmin repo.
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Yes, it was a surprise to me also. It took me days, but I did fix the issue. I checked every file in my zencart to see if any were altered, but none were.
To make my Stripe payment module work again was a lot of trial and error. The fix was to change the currency from $US to $CAD and then back again. Once I did that, the payment module showed up and worked again. Why is still a mystery to me. I think my mistake was not taking my server off-line while the update was occurring.
I'm glad you got it sorted out! That's a weird one, indeed, and a weird solution.
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