Submitted by thewarriorsdojo on Sat, 11/05/2016 - 14:17
CentOS 7 + Virtualmin Pro - Apache Web Server - How do I sync all Virtual Servers to use the same Apache Configuration?
Right now for instance, (Loads) but slowly. (Is giving a 404 Forbidden) error. (Loads Quickly, and WITH an SSL in Joomla) -- Trying to duplicate THIS one against all the rest and have it used as "Default" for all other new sites.
Help! :)
Submitted by andreychek on Sat, 11/05/2016 - 15:08 Comment #1
Howdy -- all your sites should be using the same Apache configuration by default.
Any issue you're seeing with slowness is very unlikely to be an Apache configuration issue, but instead a website issue.
For example, some website software is slower than others, and also some plugins can really slow things down as well.
If you wish to "reset" a site to the default configuration, you can disable the Apache Website feature for that domain, and then re-enable it.
Also, if you're receiving a "403 Forbidden" error, that may indicate that no website has been uploaded into that domain's public_html directory yet.
Submitted by andreychek on Sat, 11/05/2016 - 15:12 Comment #2
One other thing came to mind -- if you want to verify that PHP is running quickly/smoothly, you could try setting up a test script.
To do that, create a file named test.php, and add the following contents to it:
If that script loads quickly, that means Apache and PHP are working properly on your system.