Please cancel virtualmin licence


Can you please cancel the Virtualmin licence number 5561137 when it's due on 1/11/2016

Thank You

John Boyle



Howdy -- we're happy to help!

We can cancel that now if you like? You could continue to use the license, you just wouldn't receive any further updates.

Alternatively, if you'd like us to hold off on cancelling it until later -- you can post a comment here on the day you want it cancelled, and we'd be happy to handle cancelling it then.

Let us know how you'd like to proceed.

jmboyle58's picture
Submitted by jmboyle58 on Wed, 10/26/2016 - 10:24


You may as well cancel it just now and let it expire when it's due as it only has a few days to go.

Thanks for your help.

John Boyle

Okay, that's all set now, your licenses are cancelled.

Let us know if there's anything else we can help with!