Deleting a virtual server make apache to crash


There is few times that i delete a virtual server and apache fail to restart when it's needed.

Sounds like apache is looking for some informations related to the deleted virtual server to start but like this one has been deleted, it dont want to start, so, i need to restore the deleted virtual servers to make apache to start again.

I would be really happy to be able to delete some virtual servers from my box without making apache to fail to start.

Some help with this will be really appreciated.




Howdy -- yeah that definitely shouldn't happen!

What error do you receive when trying to start Apache after deleting a Virtual Server?

I didnt keep this message but the problem is that is looking for an SSLCertificate file in a path but that file dont exist anymore because the virtual server was deleted.

If really necessary, i can make it happen again one night to tell you the exact message.

Unfortunately, we'd probably need to see it happen in order to fix it.

Virtualmin should always delete everything related to the Virtual Server. That's not something we're able to reproduce on our test systems, so it could be something unusual is going on in this case.

It sounds like what's happening here is that the Apache config is still remaining for some reason.

What we'd be interested to know is in addition to the error message, the full output you receive when deleting the Virtual Server.

Ok, i'll try to come back to you asap about it.