How to? Two domains pointing to one Virtualmin account with WP

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#1 Wed, 08/10/2016 - 14:47

How to? Two domains pointing to one Virtualmin account with WP

Hi, I have an existing VirtuaMin server called TheDomain.COM with WordPress up-and-running. I have a related domain called: TheDomain.CA with the DNS setup at Godaddy pointing to my same IP address. How do I configure VirtualMin such that the .CA domain automatically redirects to the .COM. In other words, TheDomain.CA should redirect to TheDomain.CA

I want to make this redirect setup in VirtualMin, not at the DNS level. Thanks.

Fri, 08/12/2016 - 03:08
Joe's picture

You just need a domain and an alias; an alias server is just a name that points to the same website as its parent (it uses the ServerAlias option in Apache). If you want independent mail, there's another alias type called "Alias with own mail".

The domain gets the WordPress installation, and the alias will automatically serve the same content.

To make it a redirect instead, you can add a redirect rule in htaccess, or using the Website Redirects form in Server Configuration for the top-level domain.


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