Enclosed at the end of this post are the messages from backing up and restoring.
I am trying to replicate a virtualmin pro server internally for testing. The biggest difference is going from ubuntu 12.04 lts (production) to 16.04 lts (test). However, the reseller account is not being generated on the test server. I do want this to happen.
I see the reseller accounts being backed up, so they are in the backups...why aren't they being restored?
The gui restoration shows the same messages as the commandline which is
virtualmin restore-domain --source /root/virtualmin.tar.gz --all-domains --all-features --all-virtualmin
Also of note is that there are 9 items being backed up, but only 7 items being restored.
Backing up the virtualmin settings on the production server gives the following messages:
Starting backup of 9 Virtualmin configuration settings to local file /tmp ..
Saving Virtualmin configuration ..
.. done
Saving templates and plans ..
.. done
Saving resellers ..
.. done
Saving email templates ..
.. done
Saving custom fields, links, categories and shells ..
.. done
Saving custom script installers ..
.. done
Saving custom styles ..
.. done
Saving scheduled backups ..
.. done
Saving DKIM settings ..
.. done
Saving greylisting settings ..
.. not installed
Save mail rate limiting configuration ..
.. not installed
Saving mail server configuration ..
.. done
.. done
9 Virtualmin configuration settings backed up successfully.
Backup is complete. Final size was 15.19 kB.
Here are the restoration messages:
Starting restore of 7 Virtualmin settings from local file /root/virtualmin.tar.gz ..
Extracting backup archive file ..
.. done
Restoring Virtualmin settings ..
Restoring Virtualmin configuration ..
.. done
Restoring templates and plans ..
.. done
Restoring email templates ..
.. done
Restoring custom fields, links, categories and shells ..
.. done
Restoring custom script installers ..
.. done
Restoring scheduled backups and keys ..
.. done
Restoring DKIM settings ..
.. not installed
Restoring greylisting settings ..
.. not installed
Restoring rate limiting settings ..
Restoring mail server configuration ..
.. done
.. done
.. restore complete.
Hi, I think going from 12 to 16 is huge step - I mean you skipped 14 which is couple of years of development.. also noted changes are in apache configs - 12 used apache 2.2. where 14 was using - (i think) apache 2.4 - and some configs are changed there but its huge impact, anyway - its now different. uhm - perhaps if you have virutalbox on your system somewhere installed - can you deploy your copy of the server and do update to 14 and then to 16? if it will works, then on your real production server you can deploy ubuntu 16 and upload updated files from your dev environment (virtualbox) as they need it to.. it should works. I am not ubuntu expert (im running debian myself here) but it should work in same way.. at least its worth to try. End of the day ubuntu is just fork of debian unstable and I am still here - going from debian 5 all the way to debian current - 8(jessie) without issues (7 years difference). Also I am gpl but pro should be the same..
Configuring/troubleshooting Debian servers is always great fun
Couldn't hurt: I will give it a try. AT the very least, it might provide further information...
It did restore the reseller going from ubuntu 12.04 to ubuntu 14.04.
Jamie is working with him here in the support tracker regarding this:
Note though that it should be possible to migrate from one distro to another, regardless of the version. So that's definitely something we'd like to get fixed up.
...it should be good if you update from version to version.. if multiple versions are skipped I would go with fresh install.
Configuring/troubleshooting Debian servers is always great fun
absolutely correct as per Jamie's instructions.
even though I just did it from 14 to 14, I uploaded them to the server which made it a lot faster when the time came.
my only issue was the sub domains which are installatron apps. still trying to work that out.